

主の御名を賛美します。いつもJCFNの働きを覚えてくださる事に感謝いたします。 働きを紹介しつつ、また、共にJCFNを通してなされる神さまの御業を賛美し、お祈りに覚えてくださればと思います。

●● after ec 効果 ●●

前回のレターではecのことを報告させていただきましたが、アフターec効果は今も続いている様子が、各地域からの報告を通して伝わってきています。アメリカ本部では、毎月、JCFNの働き、帰国者、各地域での働きを覚えて祈祷会(通称:うさほっぷ。USA House of Prayer)を開いています。2月のうさほっぷでは、各地域のec後の報告と祈祷課題を覚え、祈りました。ecでは、北米の地域別に分かれて、神さまが何を地域でなされているのかを知り、また、新しい働きの可能性を話し、祈るときを持っています。そこで話された事、祈られた事、そして、与えられたネットワークを通して、ec前にはなかった動きが始まっています。特にec後に良く耳にするのは、聖書の学びやデボーションの習慣化をし始めたということです。アフターec効果が引き続いていくように、ぜひ、お祈りください。

ec11では本当に多くの恵み、またチャレンジを受け取りました。ec11で神様に示されたことと、実行に移すように語られたことが幾つかありました。一 つは私が今関わっている大学のキャンパスミニストリーでリーダーシップを執ることを示されました。3週間前に新学期が始まり、毎週水曜日に留学生を対象に したバイブルスタディをサブリードし始めました。(中西部からの報告)


●● BBWIT12 vol1 ●●

2月、日本で初の試みとなる、BBWIT(Bridge Builders' Whatever It Takes)リーダーシップトレーニングキャンプ12 volume1が東京で開催されました。ブリッジビルダーというのは、帰国者をフォローアップする方々のことを表します。全国に散らばるブリッジビルダーたちを集めて、リーダーシップについて、帰国者フォローアップについて学びました。関東からだけではなく、西日本からの参加者も与えられ、その出会いとネットワークを通して、お互い励まされる時となりました。また同時に、11月に静岡県掛川市で行われるANRC12のための意見交換もなされました。ANRC12前後の地域の働きを担っているのは、各地域にいるブリッジビルダーたちです。益々、彼らが励まされ、これから送られようとしている帰国者たちを励ます存在として用いられていくようにと祈ります。

今年は、9月にもBBWIT12 vol2と題し、会場を東海地区に移してブリッジビルダーのトレーニングを行う予定になっています。ぜひ、この新しい働きのために続けてお祈りください。

●● 合同主事会 ●●


合同主事会の中でまず振り返ったことは、主事・協力主事の振り返りを聞きながら、去年の合同主事会のときに立てたゴールがどのように達成されたかということ。去年の合同主事会は、図らずも、東日本大震災の1週間前に行われました。その時、JCFNの5ヵ年テーマとして、「Changing world(変わり行く世界)」に対してどのように関わっていくのかを確認しました。大震災後の日本について知る由もない私たちに先に与えられた神さまから与えられた揺るがない真理だったのだと、今年、確認させられました。そして今年7月から始まる2012年度のゴールとして、昨年に引き続き、「同労者のエンパワメント」を掲げ、関わることを許された人たちを励まし、共に神様のために仕えていくことができるように協力し合えるようにと願っています。ぜひ、新しい年度に入るJCFNの働きを覚え、お祈りください。

Transforming the changing world with an unchanging truth.
Empowering co-workers. 「同労者のエンパワメント」


●● 主事動向 ●●

BBWIT12 vol1開催、合同主事会の開催に伴い、主事たちの移動の多い2~3月でした。清水摂北米主事と中村は2月、日本に向かいました。清水主事はOMF会議のため、合同主事会後にカナダ・トロントに向かいました。中村は、約1年半ぶりに日本に3週間滞在することができました。4月には共に、イタリア・ミラノで開催されるSlimカンファレンス(www.slimconference.org)に参加する予定です。特にSlimカンファレンスでセミナー講師として奉仕する清水主事を覚えお祈りください。











● ANRC12の準備のために。
● それぞれの主事、協力主事のために。
● 2012年のJCFNの働きのために。
● 年間計画のために。

Praise be to the name of the Lord! Thank you very much for remembering the JCFN ministry. Here are some reports on ministries. Please place these in your prayers as you read the report.

●● after ec11 effect ●●

In my previous letter, I reported about ec11. After ec11, its effects are still continuing on in many regions. At the JCFN US Headquarters' monthly prayer meeting, USAHOP (USA House of Prayer) February, we had regional reports and their prayer requests. During ec, we usually have US regional meetings, which divide conferees into where they are from in US. They meet up with new people in the same region, and learn about the ministries there. They also talk and pray about new movements in the region. So, after ec, new ministries have been born out of the discussions, prayers, and networks at ec. We often hear that they started Bible study groups or have good customs of daily devotions. Please continue praying for the conferees; this ec11 after effect!

I had lots of grace and challenges at ec11.
I was challenged by God to take actions
on some of the things told to me at ec11.
One of them is to take a leadership role at the campus
ministry I have been involved in at my university.
Three weeks ago, a new semester started,
and I started to help leading the Bible study f
or International students every Wednesday.
- Report from MI

ec11 audio files are available at www.equipper.org.

●● BBWIT12 vol1 ●●

February, the very first BBWIT (Bridge Builders' Whatever It Takes) Leadership Training Camp 12 volume1 was held in Tokyo. Bridge Builders mean those who follow up returnees. We invited bridge builders scattered in different regions in Japan, and learned about leadership and ways of following up. We had attendees not only from Kanto but also from West Japan. It became a time to encourage one another. At the same time, we had a time to brainstorm and feedback for ANRC12. The actual players for ANRC are the bridge builders in different regions. I pray that they may be encouraged and become the ones who encourage future returnees.

In September, we are planning to have BBWIT12 volume2 in Tokai (west) area. Please remember this new ministry in your prayers.

●● Annual Joint Staff Meeting ●●

We had an annual joint staff meeting from March 15-18 at JCFN Headquarters. Maki Goto flew from Japan, and Yosuke Mikami, a board member, flew from Michigan. We had a time of evaluation on the year of 2011 and discussion on the new fiscal year beginning from July, 2012.

The first thing we did was to evaluate how JCFN's ministry went compared to the goal we set at the previous annual joint staff meeting, as we heard from reflections by staff and associate staff members. Without knowing it, we had a meeting last year a week before the Tohoku earthquake. During the meeting, we made our five-year theme and discussed what we can do toward "the changing world." This year, we realized that what we talked about last year was the unchanging truth given by God; in fact, we did not know what was going to happen to Japan and what it looks like after the disaster. And this coming fiscal year of 2012, we place the same goal as last year, "empowering co-workers." We hope to encourage those whom we had a chance to relate with, and to be resources for the co-workers around. Please prayer for JCFN's ministry's new fiscal year.

5-year Theme (2011-2016):
Transforming the changing world with an unchanging truth.
Goal for 2012:
Empowering co-workers.

We realized that our difficult financial situations for both US and Japan offices in terms of administration and staff support as we are closing the fiscal year of 2011. Please pray that more supporters who join in JCFN ministry financially would be provided.

●● Staff Updates ●●

Because of BBWIT12 vol1 and the annual joint staff meeting, different trips were made by staff members. Setsu Shimizu (US staff) and Chihiro visited Japan during February. Setsu also went to Toronto, Canada for OMF conference. Chihiro was able to stay in Japan for three weeks (last visit was made almost 1.5 years before). Both of us will participate in Slim conference (www.slimconference.org) held in Milan, Italy in April. Please pray especially for Setsu who will speak at workshops.

Maki Goto (Japan staff) visited the US for a joint staff meeting in March. It was only a weeklong trip, but he was able to visit San Diego. Tyrannus Hall, where Maki has a responsibility, is in transition in the new fiscal year. Please pray for him during this busy time.

Yuko Ozeki (US staff) is visiting Chicago in April for a mission report. Please pray for her trip to be safe and her presentation. Please also pray for her family at home while she is on the trip.

Machiko Miki (US office staff) is entering her second year as an office staff member. Please pray for her ministry.

After the annual joint staff meeting, each staff member will make detailed plans for what we discussed. Please pray for us so that we receive God's wisdom as we plan.


Chihiro Nakamura
JCFN Interim International Director

JCFN's March & April Events
3/5: USHQ prayer meeting -USAHOP
3/15-18: Annual joint staff meeting (CA)
4/7: USHQ prayer meeting -USAHOP

For more regional events, visit www.jcfn.org.

Prayer Requests
● For preparation for All Nations Returnees Conference 12.
● For JCFN staff and associate staff workers.
● JCFN's ministries in 2012.
● For annual planning.






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