Newsletter in Englishの最近のブログ記事

Newsletter, April, 2013

Praise the name of the Lord! How are you doing?

On March 30th, I arrived in Japan, and started my ministry as JCFN Japan staff  on April 1st. Before I left the States, people I have know for a while and students I had done ministry with  held  a farewell party for me. Although I became a Christian in Japan, I have  spent  one third of my  life and almost a half of my  Christian life in the States. That fact makes me think that I too am a  returnee. I am  open to whatever doors God opens for His work in Japan. Please continue to prayer for my life and ministry in Japan.
In Michigan

Annual Joint Staff Meeting

JCFN annual joint staff meeting was held at the JCFN US Headquarters in the middle of March. We reflected on our ministry in 2012 and discussed  what we foresee for  2013. Particularly, we had a time to discuss who is the JCFN's ministry target as we have our 21 years of ministry experience. We agreed that we are for those who are in transition of re-entry so that they may glorify God as equipped Christians.

Kanto Regional Meeting... Ministries in Regions

JCFN Kanto region meeting people held a  welcome party for me right after my arrival in Japan. Looking back at my time before I left Japan for study in the States 10 and a half years ago, I had an opportunity to attend the equipper conference from Japan, knew about JCFN ministry, and started attending JCFN Kanto regional meetings after the conference. I feel amazed to see different people from those days have heart for returnee follow-up ministry and organized regional meeting. God surely placed His workers in His place and His time. I pray that more workers are raised all over Japan.

Returnee Follow-up

Through my experience of re-entry, I again recognized the importance of personal follow-up.

When I was staying in Japan last fall, I experimentally started "Krispy Small Group" which meets at Krispy Kreme Doughnut Café in Shinjuku at every Tuesday evening. That same small group was started from April again. More returnees were added. We meet in person, chat, open the Bible, and pray together. These simple things are really important for follow-up.

The other day, I had an e-mail from one returnee. "Recently I cannot go to church, don't have time to read the Bible, and even have no time to contact Christian friends. I feel devastated." I felt thankful for her telling her honest situation. Then, I had a privilege to go to church close to where she lives together with her on one Sunday. It was such a special experience for me;  seeing her less pressured to go to a new church, sharing the atmosphere of the church, and introducing her directly to the church people. This kind of personal follow-up can be done by being in Japan. I would like to have my heart to the place and people where needs are. Please continue to pray for returnees.

What's Coming up?

Now I am still in the process of planning my ministry in Japan. I would like to visit returnee ministries in different regions in Japan. At the same time, I would like to visit churches which welcome returnees in order to have more close relationship between churches and JCFN. Also, I need to do support-raising. Please pray for my planning. Also, please let me know if you would like to have me share the ministry.

In the early May, I will visit InspireUnion, returnee ministry in Nagoya. In the end of May, I am planning to take some  days off to visit Tohoku, and expecting to visit temporary housings and network as well. Please pray for each trip.

On May 19th, I will have preaching responsibility at my home church, Chofu Baptist Church.

Also, I started open office time, so-called "JCFN de Ocha-LUNCH" on every Thursday lunch time. I am hoping it will be gathering place for returnees who work near JCFN office in Ochanomizu.

◇ For God's guidance for 10.5 years (6 years as JCFN staff) and opportunities to be equipped during the years.
◇ For continuous financial supporters.

◇ For my trips in May.
◇ For my planning of ministries in Japan.
◇ For my home church, Chofu Baptist Church.
◇ For more financial supporters to be provided.

Newsletter, February, 2013

Praise the name of the Lord!

It is already the end of February! Time flies... It seems like it is still cold in Japan and in different parts of the US. How are you doing? Here in Southern California, it has been a bit cooler than usual for this time of year. I pray for God's protection and care over you during this time of seasonal change.

■Reflection & Resolution■□

Faith is the confidence that what we hope for will actually happen; 
it gives us assurance about things we cannot see. Hebrews 11:1 (NLT)

Every year during the New Year season I meditate on a new year's resolution and theme verse for the upcoming year. In 2012, the theme was to take a step of faith even in the midst of the change - and not just holding ground. It was apparent that this was truly the theme when it was decided that I will be positioned in Japan for two years starting Spring 2013. I realized that God had prepared my heart through His word.

"For I am about to do something new. 
See, I have already begun! Do you not see it?" Isaiah 43:19a (NLT)

So my new journey begins in 2013 as a JCFN Japan staff after spending over 10 years in the US. I cannot imagine what lies ahead; all I know is that God is bring me to a new territory. I just pray that I would see with God's eyes, "See, I have already begun!"

The first Sunday after arriving in Japan will be Easter Sunday. Easter, March 31st, is the date I got baptized 22 years ago. I somehow feel that it is in God's perfect timing that I start the new phase of my faith journey on this date. I appreciate your support for my transition.

Always Be Prepared■□

There is a sequel to the article "Power of Mother Language" that I wrote in January as the Interim International Director. During my Christmas vacation, I visited Michigan. On New Year's Eve, we spontaneously decided to have countdown worship with nine Japanese students who were visiting from Michigan's neighboring states. I had the privilege to share in Japanese. It became a time of encouragement for those students, who do not usually have a chance to worship and fellowship in their native language. I believe that I was not there by chance, but that I was intentionally placed there by God.

One of the JCFN's ministries in Japan that I hope to be involved with is to become an encouragement to Japan's regional returnee ministries. Just as I was placed in Michigan, I hope to be prepared to respond as an encouraging to other believers; I pray that I be used by God as an encouragement at every opportunity. 

What's Happening?■□

In the beginning of January, we had an intern at JCFN US Headquarters. Thankfully, I had a privilege to be her supervisor and we went through JCFN's Returnee Workbook together as one of her internship tasks. For February, I am going to go over the workbook together with my mentee since she is returning back to Japan for good this summer. While I observed them walk through this process, I noticed how I, myself, had changed during my stay in the States over the past 10 years. I should probably go over the workbook for myself so that I can prepare myself as I return back to Japan physically, mentally and spiritually.

March 14th-17th, JCFN will hold its annual Joint Staff Meeting. We will reflect on the previous year and plan for the coming year. Please pray that we can focus on God throughout the meeting.

On March 29th, I will leave America and arrive in Japan on the 30th. Please continue to pray for the ministries in Japan.

Praise & Prayer■□

- For my meaningful 10.5 years in the US (six years being a JCFN staff member) 
- For financial supporters.

- For annual Joint Staff Meeting 3/14-17.
- For preparation to return to Japan.
- For the ministries in Japan, especially for wisdom on relationship with regional ministries.
- For continuous financial supporter to be provided.

Newsletter, December, 2012

Christmas Letter

Merry Christmas! ... from the land of Japan.

I apologize again for not sending newsletter for a while. 

I arrived in Japan on September 12th, and have been spending time here in Japan for 3 months. "ANRC12 - All Nations Returnees Conference," the main purpose of my stay in Japan, was finished in blessings. Wrapping up has been almost done, and US staff members are returning to the US. I will be flying back to the US on December 10th as well.

Here is the summary of my stay in Japan, ANRC12 and what is coming up.

Things besides ANRC12...

Most of my stay in Japan was for ANRC12. I visited Osaka (ANR Kansai) and Nagoya (Inspireunion) as a speaker for regional kick-off meetings of ANRC12. It gave me great opportunities to meditate on the theme of ANRC12. At Kansai meeting, my Not-yet-Christian friend from Irvine Bible study visited me and had a chance to listen to the word of God once again. It was great to see people from both meetings at ANRC12. This was the strength of visiting and meeting people face to face.

In Nagoya, we had BBWIT bridge builders' leadership training camp as our second camp in Japan. Comparing to BBWIT in Tokyo (Feb), most of the attendees were those who are involved in returnee ministry in Tokai area. It made me realize the importance of having BBWIT in different regions. In Tokyo, I had a chance to attend Small Group Host (Leader) lunch meeting for my first time. It is the place for leaders to relearn the vision of JCFN small groups, discuss about the actual needs on hosting small groups, and update what is happening in their small groups.
I was in Tokyo for most of the time of my stay in Japan. So, I started my own small group at "Krispy Kreme Doughnut" with 4-6 returnees. Some of them came back to Japan more than 5 years ago, and some just came back to Japan. We got together for only 10 times, but I personally had a great time with them and experienced the importance of being together after reentry. I pray for small group ministry will be continually blessed. Also, in December, we had a reunion of Irvine Bible study group. Unfortunately, most of who attended was from Tokyo area, but I am thankful for this continuous connection with them.


November 22nd-25th, ANRC12 (All Nations Returnees Conference) was held in Kakegawa, Shizuoka. About 600 people attended, which is the number of those who stayed at hotel was larger than the previous ANRCs in 2009 and 2010. The theme of ANRC12 was "Responding to God's calling as a vessel of compassion." We first reflected on what happened in the regions in Japan after ANRC in 2010. We invited regional leaders on the stage and listened to them sharing the process of past 2 years. There were some regions that their ministries grew, and some regions had difficult time of continuing ministries. Despite of their hardship, I recognize the leaders' heart for returnee follow-up, and I praised God for that. Japan experienced 3.11 during these 2 years as well and it brought "change" to Japan. We heard quite a few returnees responding to God and using their times for Tohoku. I witnessed that God's heart formed their hearts, and the ministries in Tohoku are still going. What an encouragement when I imagine how God is seeing those who are responding to Him.

I was mostly spending my time in back-stage, and had barely time to speak to attendees or reflect on what was spoken at the main sessions. However, seeing returnee attendees' faces, that were enjoying and encouraged by being at ANRC12, itself was encouragement to me. In addition, I was able to attend Japan regional leader's meeting, and it was such a blessing to see the network among them. We haven't heard actual reports from each attendee yet. I just pray that all their process of responding may be protected and guided within God's blessings. 

What is coming up...

Since we poured our time and effort to ANRC12, I cannot give my financial report at this newsletter. Hopefully, I will be able to update my support situation. I am still in need of those who are willing to support monthly. Please keep this in your prayer.

I will be flying from Japan to the US on December 10th. After 3 months of stay in the States, I will be back to Japan some time in late March or early April as a Japan staff member. Due to my green card situation, my stay in Japan will be about 2 years. Please pray for all the preparation and process moving back to Japan. Also, please pray for future ministries in Japan.

Thank you for remembering me in you prayers.


Chihiro Nakamura

Newsletter, April, 2012

Again, I apologize for not updating for awhile since the last Chihiro Times. During my quietness, Equipper Conference (ec) was held, I visited Japan, the JCFN annual joint staff meeting took place, I made a trip to Italy, and we completed our one-Third of 2012... Time flies. May God bless each of you wherever you are. I assume you had a chance to look at my "Interim International Director Letter." Here I would like to share my personal reflection and the report from April.

■After Annual Joint Staff Meeting■□

In June, 2011, I was unexpectedly appointed to be JCFN's interim International Director. The original plan of this personnel change was applied until the end of last year. However, the situation has continued, and my first annual joint staff meeting as an international director came up in March. I mainly used to have reflections and planning on my responsibility in the field of ministries. But this year, it brought me to think through how the structure is functioning in terms of the organization. I also had the privilege of communicating with each staff and associate staff member in order to reflect on each one's condition. I am thankful to God for providing this opportunity to stretch my perspectives on things and to grow in many ways.

Looking back, I can calmly reflect on how I was going through the process. However, while I was preparing and directing the meeting, I faced to my lack of ability and felt humbled. This reminded me of God's strength when we stand in Him. I am so thankful for that. After the joint staff meeting, each staff is now in the planning and preparing for the upcoming annual board meeting. JCFN's new fiscal year will start in July. Please continue to pray for the planning. My situation as interim International Director will be reviewed at the board meeting in May.


In the middle of April, I attended the SLIM conference. SLIM stands for Servant Leadership in Ministry, and its purpose is equipping young adult generation in Europe. It was the very first conference, and I heard that they had some ideas from JCFN's ec. My co-worker, Setsu, was invited as one of seminar speakers. We thought it would be better if JCFN can be their resource, so we visited Italy where the conference held together. JCFN was also supported by different organizations and individuals when it started 21 years ago. ec was originally envisioned and started by several international student ministries so that JCFN would be able to independently operate the conference in future. JCFN is willing to support to other ministries because others have supported us.

I had the privilege of helping one of the seminars Setsu was in charge of, which was the: "Unwrapping Gifts Seminar." As I was teaching a seminar, having fellowship within a small group, and throughout the conference itself, I realized one clear thread of purpose: "I would like to be equipped," and, "I would like to be involved in others to be equipped." This purpose is also my passion for ministry, so I felt so comfortable being there. Please continue to pray for those who attended SLIM12 so that they may maintain the decisions that they made. Please also pray for the ministries in Europe. I feel something new will start.

Italyのサムネール画像After SLIM, I had some days off in Italy and traveled to Milan, Florence, and Rome (the Vatican, too!). It was interesting to see both new and old cities within one small area especially in Florence and Rome. I even felt to be placed in the early church history era. I am so thankful to have this refreshing time!

■What's Going on with Chihiro■□

After the annual joint staff meeting, we made a brief schedule for the year of 2011 (again, JCFN's new fiscal year will start from July). One of the biggest moves is that we are planning another BBWIT (Bridge Builders: those who follow up returnees) leadership camp, which we had in Tokyo in February. The next one will be held in Aichi in September. So, I will probably be staying in Japan from the middle of September until ANRC12 in November.

As I have been reporting, my financial support has decreased. So, I am hoping to do support-raising by visiting churches and individuals during my stay in Japan this fall. Please pray for my support-raising during this time so that I would have new supporters. If you know of any churches or individuals who might be interested in this ministry, please let me know.

In spite of traveling around, I have the privilege of mentoring two people; one is in Japan, and another is in California. It is difficult to set a meeting schedule if I have trip after trip. I am hoping to use time wisely and have quality time of mentoring faithfully. Besides, I have time to do Skype with associate staff members and regional ministry leaders. Please pray for the communications taken place on-line so that I may be able to listen carefully and speak only what I should speak.

May 13th: Message at Wintersburg Presbyterian Church
May 25th-28th: Central Conference (IL)
May 29th-31st: JCFN Board (CA)
July 26th-28th: WIT12 (CA)
Mid September: Stay in Japan
September 21st-23rd: BBWIT12 vol2 (Aichi)
November 22nd-25th: ANRC12 (Shizuoka)

□Prayer for Chihiro□■

As I announced before, I am sending out a prayer e-mail to those who would like to join in the circle of prayers. E-mails are sent irregularly and in short sentences. If you are interested in receiving this, please contact me.

♪ Thanksgiving ♪
   ♪For protection on trips (Japan: Feb & March; Italy: Apr).
   ♪For JCFN team members.
   ♪For supporters continuously being provided.

♪ Requests ♪
   ♪For relationship with those whom God placing around me so that I may be able to use my time wisely.
   ♪For my home church, Chofu Baptist Church.
   ♪For financial supporters to be provided consistently.

Newsletter, December, 2011

I apologize that it has been awhile since I have sent out "Chihiro Times." Along with holiday wishes, I would like to report my ministry. Since June, I have taken the position as the JCFN Interim International Director, and have been updating JCFN members with a ministry report periodically. It is posted on my personal blog as well, so please take a look at the website to find out what is new at JCFN.

Now at JCFN US headquarters, we are spending all of our time preparing for equipper conference 11 coming up this month. Please pray for the preparation and the conference itself. It seems like we do not have much conferees registered like previous years and instead notice more first timers. Please pray that ec would be the place for returnees to network within the States so that they may be equipped before their returns. Please pray also for them to have connection with friends from their hometown in Japan so that they have place to be followed-up after their returns.

Speaking of myself at ec, I will be teaching at the Returnee Seminar and hold a workshop for "Giftedness (spiritual gifts)." Please pray that God may be speaking through me to encourage and challenge the conferees. Please pray for the final preparation for them.
Thank you so much for your prayers, support, and encouragement throughout the year. It meant a lot to me. Without your support, I could not make the year fruitful in ministry. Here, I would like to report what is taken place in my life besides JCFN ministry and my reflection on this year.

■Local Ministry■□

In September, a little over a year since JCFN moved from Long Beach to Irvine and half a year since I moved my residence to Costa Mesa, there have been changes for local ministry. At the beginning of this year, I was attending an English-speaking church to pray about whether it would be a church that I can belong to and be involved in Japanese ministry in that church. However, I could not find good opportunities to move forward. But the situation changed in September. God gave us connections with several people who have a heart for the Japanese at Newsong Church, where JCFN is renting office space. It has opened a new opportunity for ministry. The UCI (University of California, Irvine) campus is near the church, and quite a few university students are involved in college ministry at Newsong. Several students (American) have heart for internationals (especially for Japanese international students), and we had a chance to meet them. At first, we met weekly with Christian students to pray about what would happen. Then, we decided to start a weekly small group for international students.

Interesting things happened when UCI's new quarter began at the end of September. We had connections with not only Japanese exchange students to UCI but also language school students. The language school is located right across the UCI campus. It has been only three months since its start, but we witness God's mighty hands on this small group. Most of those Japanese students come to the small group to make American friends and to learn English with them. But as they are spending time with American Christian friends at the Bible study, they began to think of what their American friends are believing and want to know more about the Bible. Within just three months, more than 10 Japanese students have attended the small group, although not every student continues to attend. Most of the language students stay for short-term in Irvine. Please pray that we can do whatever God entrusts us with for them in their short-term stay, and build a good relationship with them. Please also pray that they may make a decision to receive Christ's salvation. Lastly, pray for those American students serving the internationals.

□Reflection on 2011 □■

Again, thank you very much for your support for the ministry this year. I was only able to pray from the US, as I was seeing Japan completely changed after the Earthquake. I realized that what we have could be gone or changed in an instant. I was thinking of what I can do for this situation. I was praying to know what God's plan. Also, JCFN had been through big changes in the situation. Without proper experiences or abilities, I was appointed to be the Interim International Director of JCFN. I have been spending the past few months experiencing God's mercy. Only God can guide us in a situation of what we have never imagined before.

Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. (Philippians 4:6-7)

I am NOT God, but just a human. Only the Omnipotent God is the source for my life. What I learned this year was to live by recognizing God as God in any circumstances. It might be something very basic, but I would like to always come back to this truth.

May God bless you during this season of Christmas with the love and peace of God, who sent us the wonderful gift, the Savior to the Earth. I also pray for His blessings and guidance for this coming new year.

□What's Going on with Chihiro□■

Currently, ec11 is the center of our ministry. In the beginning of 2012, we are planning to have leadership training camp for those who are involved in follow-up ministries in Japan. We will not have ec during 2012, but there will be 3rd ANRC (All Nations Returnees Conference) in November. Most of the JCFN ministry next year will be related to ANRC12. The specific planning for next year has not yet been made, but it seems like I would have several chances to visit Japan.

Dec. 27th - Jan. 1st: ec11 (CA)
February: Japan visit
March: Annual Joint Staff Meeting (CA)
April: slim conference (Italy)

■Prayer for Chihiro■□

♪ Thanksgiving ♪
  ♪ For protection and guidance this year.
  ♪ For blessings on local ministry
  ♪ For supporters continuously being provided.

♪ Requests ♪
  ♪ For relationship with those whom God placing around me.
  ♪ For equipper conference 11.
  ♪ For my home church, Chofu Baptist Church.
  ♪ For financial supporters to be provided consistently.

Newsletter, June, 2011

Due to an important announcement, I am sending Chihiro Times two months in a row. I appreciate your prayers, especially for this situation.

■Report from JCFN Board Meeting■□

On May 24-25, the Annual JCFN Board meeting was held in Irvine, CA. Board members from all over the United States and Japan gathered together to reflect on what was discussed during the annual joint staff meeting held in March, and to discuss what to expect for the coming years. It was a week before 3.11. The Tohoku earthquake happened when the annual joint staff meeting was being held. Thus, the situation around us changed and we were led to make arrangements on what we discussed back in March. However, what we need to do is to rely on God's timing and will in order for us to put His ministry forward. The theme of JCFN 2011 is to empower co-workers. This was made before 3.11, but it is still an important mindset for us to keep because of this situation in Japan. There was one another major issue covered during this Board meeting. That was regarding JCFN staff personnel change. It also affects my situation in the JCFN ministry, and I appreciate your prayers during this change. Here is the report from JCFN Board regarding the personnel change.


Personnel Change Announcement
May 31, 2011

JCFN Members and Supporters,

Praise the name of our Lord, Jesus Christ!

How are you? We are so grateful to God for you who pray and support us for furthering His Kingdom through JCFN for Japanese living outside of Japan and for returnees. We also remember those who have been affected by the Tohoku Earthquake that our God of mercy would comfort and bless them.

Recently, we held our annual board meeting at JCFN's headquarters in Irvine, CA, May 24-26th. There were many things we discussed, but specifically, we would like to announce to you a major change regarding personnel and we would ask you to pray with us as we go through this transition.

Setsu Kuroda who has been, for 18 years seconded from OMF International (US) to serve full time at JCFN, and has been its International Director since 2005, will resign from that position due to the need to see her financial support increase. In order for her to continue to serve as an OMF missionary, she needs to trust God to raise her support to an acceptable level. We, as members of the JCFN Board of Directors, have accepted the change in OMF's policy (ie; all diaspora OMF members must be 100% supported by the end of 2011), and we have made a decision to release Setsu to do support raising (partnership development) as her top priority.
This is a big change for OMF and JCFN, and we have appointed Chihiro Nakamura as our Interim International Director. It is our hope that the ministry of JCFN will continue to move forward under new leadership.

This year we are celebrating JCFN's 20th anniversary, realizing that this has been made possible by many of you who have prayed and given sacrificially. For this special occasion, we have something that we want you to join with us in regarding prayers of thanksgiving. We give thanks and glory to God for OMF's support over the years and investment in JCFN's staff and ministries. When JCFN was first begun, without OMF's help and support, we could not have survived. OMF had leased to JCFN their first office space in their US headquarters building in Denver, Colorado. OMF helped us process donations, become a non-profit organization and set up a Board of Directors. Setsu Kuroda, an OMF missionary, was fully seconded to work with JCFN and became their very first staff and has been serving over 18 years, as mentioned above. We hope that can continue. JCFN is filled with gratitude towards OMF International.

Our personnel change is due to the personnel policy change of OMF, which has had such a rich relationship and history with JCFN. Also, at this time, Setsu is getting married to Masaomi Shimizu. Please pray for her that her support needs will be completely met, and that she can continue to serve in returnee ministry in fresh and invigorating ways.
We always face challenges due to a lack of volunteers, staff, and personnel. However, staff and board members are very grateful to God who is purposing this change so that we can learn to trust Him more and see His provision in the days ahead, and for this we are filled with much hope.

Lastly, we pray for all of you who are members and friends of JCFN, who support this ministry in Japan and around the world, and especially for those in the Tohoku area that God's richest blessings will be upon them. His hope and His faithfulness are new every morning!

Hiroaki Yonai
JCFN Chairman of the Board
And JCFN Board of Trustees


In summary, Setsu Kuroda Shimizu, who took a role of JCFN International Director for the past several years, resigned from that position in order for her to concentrate on raising support starting June 1st. Due to this resignation, I was appointed to be the "interim" International Director and take director duties starting June 1st.

□What I feel after the Personnel Change□■

I would like to share what I am feeling right now after I have been through this personnel change with those who have been my great supporters.

This change was what I was NOT expecting to happen, although JCFN has been going rough times in terms of our personnel issues. The first impression hearing that I would become an interim International Director was that there would be no other way due to this situation. Then, I accepted the offer with that impression. However as I took a time of prayer, the story for the Scripture came to my mind. It was the scene of Genesis chapter 29 describing the conversation between Jacob and his father-in-law to be, Laban regarding the marriage with Rachel and Leah.

Jacob served Laban for total fourteen years in order to get married to Rachel in spite of his desire. He took the attitude not because there was no way other than that, but because he recognized God's intervention in this situation. When this story came to my mind, I was reminded of the different Bible story when I was led to decide becoming a JCFN staff member. It is the story of one generation prior to the story of Rachel and Jacon, the story of conversation between Laban (same Laban written above) and the servant sent to find Isaac's wife (Isaac is the father of Jacob). I was led to be a JCFN staff member by learning from what the servant prayed, how the prayer was answered, and how the servant responded to the answered prayer including the correspondence to Laban.

When I was reminded of these two stories, the pathway of this personnel change is not just something, "there is no other way to take," but there is actually God intervening in this situation. What I needed to is to be obedient to what God is allowing to be happened. This lesson from the Scriptures has been guiding me to be obedient to the Lord.
Please pray that I may be able to keep obeying to what God is telling me to do. Also please pray that I may be able to play the role of interim International Director in my unique way. Please pray for Setsu Shimizu as well. She resigned from the position of International Director; however, she uses her most of the time to raise her support by the end of this year as a JCFN staff worker. Finally, please pray for JCFN ministry especially during this season of change.

□What's Going on with Chihiro□■

Central Conference (May) and ec11 planning committee meeting (June) were held in guidance and blessings. It's during summer break in the US that JCFN is planning for the WIT leadership camp (July). Please pray that I would be a good resource for those who are involved in.

Jul. 17th: Message at Union Church of Los Angeles
Jul. 28th - 30th: WIT11 (CA)
Dec. 27th - Jan. 1st: ec 10 (CA)

■Prayer for Chihiro■□

♪ Thanksgiving ♪
- That God taught be how to be obedient to Him.
- For supporters continuously being provided.

♪ Requests ♪
- That I may be faithful to God's calling in the midst of changes.
- For my interim International Director role.
- For my home church, Chofu Baptist Church.
- For financial supporters to be provided consistently.

Newsletter, May, 2011

I apologize that it has been a long time since my last newsletter. After the devastating earthquake hit Japan on March 11, I have been thinking what I need to focus on. The time of reflection brought me the time to refocus on what God is calling me to do, and led me to be obedient to Him in everyday life. Here I would like to report on what I have been doing in my ministry these past few months.


"What can I do, being here in the States, God?" has been a big question to me since the earthquake in Japan on March 11. Hearing the news from internet and seeing the unseen scenery of Japan, I have been shocked and asking and praying, "What will happen to Japan?" In that situation, the small booklet of "After the Tsunami (or, Hurricane in some version)" was very helpful for me to learn how to pray. It was written by a theologian, Ajith Fernando who experienced Tsunami in Sri Lanka in 2004. I was really encouraged by this booklet and was reminded that God is the One who feels hurt the most to see this situation in Japan. Also I learned that it is OK to ask God why this is happening. Very basic things I learned, but it helped me a lot. I pray that God may be glorified in this devastating situation.

What I can do while being in the States is to pray. I have never felt that I am so far away from Japan geographically, and at the same time so close to Japan with my heart. My mother is from Fukushima. Before the earthquake, I recognized that Fukushima is my mother's hometown where I have been to in my childhood. But after this, I was changed to feel it really close and wept for it while I was interceding. It is almost like God's heart was imprinted into my heart. It is like the alert from God. There are students in the States from the areas hit by Tsunami. As I hear the details of what is happening in their area, I am led to pray for them and the areas. Certainly, "3.11" brought effects not only to Japan but also to the different places in the world. It raised intercessors for Japan and charity events in different places. There was no time that Japan has been in the spotlight and prayed over as much as right now. May the will of God be done in this.

This is the interview of the pastor of the church in Fukushima which experienced all of earthquake, Tsunami, and threat of radiation. It is only in Japanese, but I hope it gives you a picture the situation.

□Evangelism To Go□■

In the middle of April, I visited Santa Barbara which is a 2- hour drive Northeast from Los Angeles. In Los Angeles there are many Japanese people and quite a number of Japanese churches. There are opportunities for churches to do things together and for students to do ministry and have training together among churches in Los Angeles. However in Santa Barbara, there is only one Japanese church while there are many Japanese students. So, Japanese students in Los Angeles decided to visit Santa Barbara to encourage Japanese Christian students. 11 people from Los Angeles took a one-day trip to Santa Barbara. We joined their Friday night fellowship, which Santa Barbara Japanese Church holds every other Friday where they invite non-Christian students. Los Angeles team was in charge of the program and shared a meal, games, praise, small group time and message. There was no significant connection between us except that we are experiencing the aftereffects of the earthquake in Japan, while not in Japan. The topic of small group time was about what we are feeling about the things happening in Japan. I cannot forget what a female student from Fukushima was sharing, "I worry about how my family is doing, and everyone is concerned about the needs right now. But I wonder if we might forget things we experience now, once everything is recovered. I don't know it is even OK to talk about what I feel to my friends at school. But today, I knew that it's alright to talk about these things." Looking at her while sharing this, I realized the privilege and responsibility that we Christians have. We are able and ought to sit next to, listen, and pray together with those who are hurt. What I can do being away from Japan is "ministry of presence" for those who experienced this devastating situation being away from Japan. This one-day trip also reminded me of the importance of working and encouraging others together with the people from different churches, denominations, and locations. It was a blessing to share this experience with students. Please remember the ministry in Santa Barbara and the growth of Christian students in Los Angeles.

□Visiting Seattle□■

In the end of April, I had a chance to visit Seattle for student ministry consultation. For past several years, there were good cycles in Seattle. 10-month tourism students from Tokyo and Osaka study in Seattle, meet Christ, and return to Japan. One of the influences for those students is the student ministry called "JxJ (Jesus x Japan)." It started several years ago by Japanese young adults who have a heart for evangelizing to Japanese students. Once a month, they invite non-Christian Japanese students to a party and have time of games, dinner, praise, and testimony. Besides that, they try to get together with students and have Bible study and fun together. Building relationship with them, they introduce Christ. As I see their faces and heart reaching out to the students, I was encouraged by seeing God's heart in them. Each year around this time, the core and sub-core members of this ministry have annual meeting for reflection, evaluation and planning for upcoming year. This year, they invited me to teach 2 seminars of "church and ministry" and "gender in ministry." About 20 people attended this meeting and had a great time to share what they learned and are concerned about. After the seminars, they were divided into groups to discuss what they should continue, stop, develop and start in their ministry. Also they prioritized the topics for this coming year. I have been in monthly contact with the leader via Skype to reflect on what they have been doing. But it is totally different and valuable to see them face to face and think and pray together for the ministry. I definitely felt God's blessings on their ministry. Most of the people who are involved in JxJ are students, and those who are saved through JxJ also serve on the ministry team. I pray for more blessings on this.

I also had opportunities to visit different churches and pastors while I was staying in Seattle. One of the characteristics of the ministries in Seattle is that churches are close to one another and pastors from different churches have been well-connected. This must be an encouragement for each one of the churches, I believe. May the Lord bless the land of Seattle and more Japanese be brought to salvation and more Christians be equipped as Christ's disciples.

□What's Going on with Chihiro□■

As I wrote briefly, I moved my residence to the place 10-minute drive from the office. From April, US office staff member joined in the team. One ministry staff member had a birth of 2nd baby, and another ministry staff member gets married. In the midst of changes in US side, please pray for me that I can serve the Lord in the way He is delighted.
Jun. 18th - 19th: ec 11 planning committee meeting (CA)
Jul. 17th: Message at Union Church of Los Angeles
Jul. 28th - 30th: WIT11 (CA)
Dec. 27th - Jan. 1st: ec 10 (CA)

■Prayer for Chihiro■□

♪ Thanksgiving ♪
◆ For protection of each trip I made.
◆ For supporters continuously being provided.

♪ Requests ♪
◆ That I may be faithful to God's calling in the midst of changes.
◆ For my home church, Chofu Baptist Church.
◆ For financial supporters to be provided consistently.

Newsletter, January, 2011

Happy New Year!! Thank you very much for all your prayers and support during the year of 2010. I pray for blessings for each of you throughout the new year of 2011. I feel relieved and "it's now a new year" after we finished equipper conference (ec 10). I report my ministry focusing on ec 10.

■equipper conference 2010■□

Thank you very much for your prayer for ec 10. It was finished with lots of blessings. There were about 350 conferees from US, Canada, Japan, South Korea, New Zealand and UK. The theme was "Reflect His Holiness - He Lives within You," and it focused on sanctification. Each speaker taught the message of the cross, the foundation of faith and the process of becoming like Jesus (sanctification). In the morning, the conferees learned 1st letter of John through both inductive Bible studies and Bible exposition. It allowed them to learn how to study and live the Scriptures. Throughout the six-day conference, they just jumped in the process of dealing with their deep emotions within, which cannot be completed during the conference. Please remember their journey and protection in your prayers.

Unfortunately, there were about 9 people who could not attend because of heavy blizzard in the east coast. Since ec is national conference, this kind of thing has occurred. Please pray that those who could not make it for ec 10 had sufficient blessings where they were during the end of the year.

Check it the highlight video of ec 10 @ Youtube.

□Assurance of the Important Things□■

Now, I would like to write about my personal process through ec 10. What I could not imagine before the day of the conference was how I would be present and what kind of role I would take during the actual conference. I served as the Chief Director of ec for 2 years since becoming a JCFN full-time staff worker. The last 2 times of ec, I was planning and representing as the Chief Director when I needed to make decisions during the conference. And now I was at ec 10 without any major job title for the first time since 2008. My job description was to support this year's Chief Director and to do anything where help was needed, which meant backstage of backstage. There was no place to be personally evaluated and no direct fruits to witness, and I felt as though I was not doing enough. Then I was realized that I now entered in a different season of ministry than 2 years ago. I am standing on the place to support workers to support conferees, rather than supporting conferees directly. In my mind, I understood that I was to support workers in the backstage of backstage, but emotionally I was not able to understand this change of season. From now on, my involvement with ec will be to support workers. Conferees and core planning members of ec will be changing, but my role will be the same. I need to set a boundary with my ministry. What a privilege to support workers for the Lord. I am thankful to realize this important role at this time.

There was another important thing that I re-recognized during ec. ec serves for returnees. During my 2 month trip to Japan last year, I visited different returnees to collect video messages to ec conferees. The video messages were modified into a video letter and shown to ec conferees during the conference. There were also testimonies from those who already returned to Japan. There were attendees from Japan who were willing to share their stories and encourage those who are returning to Japan in the future. There was a skit played at every evening plenary session focusing on re-entry. The message contained in these skits was that the truth of the word, which is important for them to rely not on ourselves who change quickly, emotionally and are easily moved, but to rely on God who is big and loves us so that our steps are stabled. Witnessing the passing of encouragement brought me lots of encouragement.

You can watch video letter from returnees @ Youtube.

□Hope for 2011□■

2011 will be the year of change. Co-workers will be getting married, having a baby, and a new staff worker will be joining our US headquarters. The structure of ministry will be changing. Also, I will be physically moving my residence. In the midst of environmental change, what I need to do is to put myself on the unchanging foundation. During my devotion, the following verses caught me.

I will show you what it's like when someone comes to me, listens to my teaching, and then follows it. It is like a person building a house who digs deep and lays the foundation on solid rock. When the floodwaters rise and break against that house, it stands firm because it is well built.
Luke 6:47-48

I believe that it is necessary for me to "dig deep" and "lay foundation on solid rock" especially during this year of change. One of the speakers shared that "we know our reality when the unexpected happens." Following this message, I shared during re-entry seminar that "re-entry itself is the unexpected, and going through the unexpected is the chance for us to grow!" I feel like the words I shared returned to me. The year of 2011, I would like to look forward to the opportunity to grow by digging deep and laying the foundation on the solid rock.

As I shared before, I intentionally keep being involved in the growth of 3 girls personally. I praise the Lord for this intention given by Him. During ec 10, I had a chance to share my experience as a panel at one of the workshops. As I was sharing how God brought me the heart for others and led me to meet certain people around me, I was just praising the Lord for what He has done. Also, I have realized again at the passion He planted in me. I would like to be obedient for the opportunities He gives and allows me to be involved in others' growth.

Lastly, because of the year of change, I would like to be open to my friends in order for me to grow. Since 2009, I am in a Skype small group together with the friend who served in ec committee of ec 08. We have been meeting on Skype every week to share and study. We, 4 of us were able to meet in person during ec 10 for our first time since small group has started. I am thankful to God for giving me these great friends. I would like to eager to the opportunities for growth. I appreciate if you can pray together with me for my growth.

□What's Going on with Chihiro□■

As I wrote briefly, I am planning to move my residence in near future. Probably beginning of March, I will be moving, a 10-minute drive from the office. Please pray that every need may be met due to this move. There are no specific travel plans yet for the year of 2011. I will note this later this year.

■Prayer for Chihiro■□

♪ Thanksgiving ♪
◆ For protection during equipper conference 2010.
◆ For supporters continuously being provided.

♪ Requests ♪
◆ That I can grow by digging deep and laying the foundation on the solid rock.
◆ For my moving.
◆ For my home church, Chofu Baptist Church.
◆ For financial supporters to be provided consistently.

Newsletter, November, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving! I have finished my 2 month trip to Japan beginning from August, and arrived in the States safely. Fighting against jet lag, I returned in November and still adjusting to my life here in the US. Thank you very much for your prayers especially for my stay in Japan.

■Trip to Japan: Prologue - Knowing Where I am■□
It was my first visit to Japan during summer since 2006 although I go back to Japan every year. On the day I arrived in Japan, it was really hot. Actually, this weather was record heat. It was cooler than usual summer in Southern CA when I left for Japan, so I was amazed at the temperature and humidity in Japan. Also lots of mosquito bites struck me down. Because of rush, I visited dermatologist and was told my body is not adjusted well to the weather in Japan. Then, I noticed that my physical condition has been changed while I was away from Japan for 8 years. 8 years are so long.

One morning at Shinjuku station, I saw a group of 3 foreigners having some trouble on their way. I offered them some help since I might be able to help them with my English. But I faced reality. The question they asked me was if the certain train will lead them to Mount Fuji. I had no words to answer to them. I had never been to Mount Fuji by train, and did not know which one they needed to take. Then I realized that the fact of speaking English cannot be the way of helping others, but rather I need to know where I am in order to help them out.
Through these 2 discoveries, I learned that I first need to know where I stand in order to follow up returnees. I need to know Japan in order to tell people about Japan. I need to know my faith life in order to tell people about faith. These are the principles as I relate to people. There is no particular way to follow up and faith journey.

□Trip to Japan: First Half - HOME□■
I was staying in Tokyo during the first half of my stay in Japan. I visited different JCFN small groups held in Tokyo and Kanagawa. There was a project that I had to do in Japan, which was to collect messages from returnees in Japan. So whenever and wherever I visited, I asked returnees to tell "welcoming messages" to the coming returnees. Those messages were to be gathered into video letters to equipper conference attendees to encourage them. As I was listening to each one telling their messages, experiences, and stories, I myself was encouraged and thankful to God. They went through their hardship right after their return to Japan, but moreover they shared how they are thankful to God who has been faithful to their process. I surely think these messages are such an encouragement for those who are next to return to Japan. The voices of returnees are so powerful.

□Japan Trip: Another Half - Trip around Japan □■
During another half of my stay in Japan, I visited all over Japan meeting returnees, follow up partners, new network. I started this trip in hot summer, but I finished it in cool autumn.

[Tokai Area]
I visited about 10 core members of returnee fellowship, INSPIREUNION in Tokai area. I shared our appreciation to them by being part of returnee ministry with tea. Most of them are returnees. The first time I was able to listen to their testimonies and stories in ministry face to face. What I learned from them was a basic thing, but it is really important; every returnee has a different journey. Since there are not so many churches in Tokai area, it is necessary for core members to follow up returnees personally so that they are able to connect to local church. Good thing is that each core member is a member of different churches in Tokai area. I was also invited to speak at joint retreat of INSPIREUNION and another returnee fellowship "Koinonia."

The only place I was able to visit in Kyushu area was Fukuoka. I could meet several returnees there. Some returnees moved to Fukuoka from Kanto due to their job or family situation. They need not only to find Christian community but also to adjust to the lifestyle in their new region. I pray that returnees in Fukuoka may encourage one another as they are going through their transitions.

[Kansai Area]
2 of my mentees went back to Kansai, and I was able to see both of them when I visited Kansai. It was my privilege to see and listen to how they are doing after they returned to Japan in person. Both of them were able to find a church to belong to, and now they need to find close friends or mentors in their regions so that they are able to challenge their faith journey. Currently we meet every 2 weeks for mentoring by Skype. However, it is necessary for them to find close friends whom they can share anything within their church and/or region. That is my prayer right now. Also, I was able to meet core members of ANRKansai group, which was born after All Nations Returnees Conference. They are planning to have a conference in Kansai area next September. Please pray for their preparation.

[Hokkaido, Tohoku Area]
The final place I visited was Hokkaido and Tohoku area. In each region, I was able to see returnees. First there was Tohoku returnees retreat, RIM (Returnees in Michinoku) held in October. I was not able to participate in this retreat, but was able to meet some core members there. They were all encouraged by this retreat and were excited by future steps. I also had chances to meet several pastors to ask for network for future returnee following up. It was encouraging to see their faces excited as I shared how returnees are being followed up by God's grace. I recognized the importance of meeting individuals to tell the ministry and the work of God. I am thankful to each encounter.

Literally, I crossed the land of Japan during this trip. I had this responsibility because the fact I acquired green card made me easier to travel between US and Japan back and forth. Meeting with returnees brought encouragement not only to them but also to me. I am looking forward to having Japan trip again in future.

While I was stayed in Japan, I enjoyed spending time with my family and home church. Thank you so much for taking your time to meet me, to those whom I was able to meet. To those I could not, I am looking forward seeing you next time. Please let me know how you are doing lately. You are in my prayers, too.

□What's Going on with Chihiro□■
After I came back to the States, everything is about ec 10. We are entering final preparation for ec 10. I am still in Long Beach commuting to the office in Irvine. Please pray for my commute driving to Irvine. At this point, there are no plans to move.
Dec. 27th - Jan. 1st: ec 10 (CA)

■Prayer for Chihiro■□
♪ Thanksgiving ♪
◆ For protection during my trip to Japan.
◆ For salvation during Europe retreat.
◆ For supporters continuously being provided.

♪ Requests ♪
◆ That I am able to obey God's voice.
◆ For my home church, Chofu Baptist Church.
◆ For equipper conference preparation.
◆ For returnees and people that I met in Japan
◆ For financial supporters to be provided consistently.

Newsletter, August, 2010

It has been cooler summer in Southern CA, and it is already in the end of August. I have heard it is still very hot in Japan. I pray that this newsletter finds you well wherever you are. There were several events and trips taken during July and August. Thank you always for your faithful prayers.

■JCFN Headquarters Moved.■□

It has been a prayer request for a long time to find a new location for JCFN US Headquarters. Thank you for your participation in prayer. On July 17th, we were able to move from Long Beach to our new place in Irvine, Orange County. Now we started renting rooms at New Song Community Church. This church has been emphasizing "Third Culture" in their ministry, which values new culture born out of multi-ethnicity. The expression of "Third Culture" is also used to describe returnees in our ministry settings. We do not know well about this church yet, though, we are looking forward to any opportunities for ministries developing in this location. At this point in the end of August, we still have boxes around in office, but it has slowly been functioning as office. While at the previous location, we have several rooms to use including copy room and storage. We only have 2 rooms and one for copy and storage room, and the entire staff of workers are sharing the other bigger room. Please pray for our new working environment.

It takes me 30 minutes to commute from Long Beach, where I live to the new office. So I am planning to find new place to live closer to the office around the end of January after trips and ec. Please pray that I can find a good place.

□WIT10 Leadership Camp□■

The fourth WIT (Whatever It Takes) Leadership Camp was held on July 22-24 with blessings. Including those who were on the planning team, 23 people attended from all over the North America (including Canada). We focused on inviting "already leaders" who are involved in leadership in regional ministries. It turned into a place for their encouragement.
The vision of WIT10 was "to equip leaders who can help one another and obey God by standing on the Word whatever it takes." 8 of us (JCFN staff workers and campers from previous WIT) had been planning. All of the planning meetings were done through conference calls. It was harder to get to know each other among staff than planning in person. In order for teambuilding, one person from the planning team came up with an idea to have chain e-mails among staff. Taking turns, we e-mailed (1) sharing from devotion, (2) answering particular questions, and (3) sharing prayer requests. Those questions were really funny such as "name a dish which describes one of team members well." Most of the questions were things which we do not usually think about, but they led us to think about people on the team. We were able to know each other better and remember them in our prayers. Our first time to meet face to face was at the actual WIT10, but we did not feel like it. Literally, we, planning staff, experienced WIT10 vision throughout planning, and I believe that other WIT attendees must have felt that. It is one of WIT's values that those who are involved in planning are able to get the opportunity to be equipped.

The characteristics of this year WIT was that there were opportunities for campers to deal with inner selves and that they were encouraged to live in the Word of God without compromises. We learned about burn-out. We experienced to face our own past pains and sins, and God's intervention to deal with them. The second night, we had small group time. While it was planned for several minutes of sharing and prayers, it ended up to last a few hours until midnight by listening to each other, confessing their sins, and praying and laying hands on one another in prayer. I felt that God provided a safe place for them to share. I relearned that it is important for leaders to have a place to share their weakness and ask their prayer needs. Please pray for each leader whom now are sent to their ministry fields.

□Europe Trip□■

Following the week after WIT10, I flew to Madrid, Spain. Japanese Christians Retreat was held in El Escorial. It was my first Europe trip and first time to attend this retreat. Every year, different country/church in Europe becomes in charge of hosting this retreat and it was the 27th retreat. About 240 people attended from all over Europe. This year, it was hosted by Bible reading group in Madrid (only 3 people!). Since most of the time when we plan, quite a few people are involved in planning and organizing, it was surprising to know only 3 people were on the planning committee.

The highlight of the retreat for me was small group. I was asked to become a sub-leader of non-Christian group. 7 of 9 in our group were non-yet Christians. They were international students, working with working holiday visa and tourists. I had heard that the international students in Europe are little different from those in the States. In fact, I noticed several differences as I was speaking with them. Especially those who are studying music are very artistic and emotionally sensitive. I felt God is using their sensitivity to reveal Himself to them. Within the limited time of small group, the leader and I were able to share not only sensing God's creation, but also the essence of the Gospel, original sin, need of salvation, and answered their questions. Thankfully, two of them accepted Christ during the retreat and one of them confessed her faith after the retreat. Please pray for the wisdom of how I should be involved in following up with them, residing in the States. Some of them are back in Japan, and I am hoping to meet them while I am in Japan. Please pray that I can meet them.

After the retreat, Setsu and I had a chance to travel around in Spain for several days and enjoyed old towns. Especially I enjoyed food.

After Spain, we visited London, UK to visit Japanese churches and friends. We stayed at one Japanese family (same generation) who are planting church in partnering with English church. It was such an encouragement for me to listen to what they have been through. Please pray for their ministry.

□What's Going on with Chihiro□■

The biggest thing happening to me is to stay in Japan for about 2 months from the end of August. I will be visiting different regions and meeting returnees and people who are following up returnees. It has been 4 years since I last stayed in Japan during summer. Please pray for my physical condition during this hot season. I am looking forward to meeting those who are in Japan!!

Aug. 25th - Oct. 28th: Stay in Japan
Sep. 5th - 7th: Nagoya
Sep. 25th - Oct. 3rd: Trip in west side of Japan
Oct. 9th - 11th: Tokai Camp (Hamana-ko)
Oct. 12th - 20th: Trip to Hokkaido, Tohoku
Oct. 22nd - 23rd: Bridge Builders Training (Okutama)
Dec. 27th - Jan. 1st: ec 10 (CA)

■Prayer for Chihiro■□

♪ Thanksgiving ♪
◆ For protection during my trip to Europe.
◆ For salvation during Europe retreat.
◆ For supporters continuously being provided.

♪ Requests ♪
◆ That I am able to obey God's voice.
◆ For 3 sisters saved during Europe retreat.
◆ For my home church, Chofu Baptist Church.
◆ For Japan trip. Please pray for wisdom for planning of my trip and I may be able to meet who I need to meet.
◆ For my health condition.
◆ For financial supporters to be provided consistently.


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