Newsletter, February, 2013

Praise the name of the Lord!

It is already the end of February! Time flies... It seems like it is still cold in Japan and in different parts of the US. How are you doing? Here in Southern California, it has been a bit cooler than usual for this time of year. I pray for God's protection and care over you during this time of seasonal change.

■Reflection & Resolution■□

Faith is the confidence that what we hope for will actually happen; 
it gives us assurance about things we cannot see. Hebrews 11:1 (NLT)

Every year during the New Year season I meditate on a new year's resolution and theme verse for the upcoming year. In 2012, the theme was to take a step of faith even in the midst of the change - and not just holding ground. It was apparent that this was truly the theme when it was decided that I will be positioned in Japan for two years starting Spring 2013. I realized that God had prepared my heart through His word.

"For I am about to do something new. 
See, I have already begun! Do you not see it?" Isaiah 43:19a (NLT)

So my new journey begins in 2013 as a JCFN Japan staff after spending over 10 years in the US. I cannot imagine what lies ahead; all I know is that God is bring me to a new territory. I just pray that I would see with God's eyes, "See, I have already begun!"

The first Sunday after arriving in Japan will be Easter Sunday. Easter, March 31st, is the date I got baptized 22 years ago. I somehow feel that it is in God's perfect timing that I start the new phase of my faith journey on this date. I appreciate your support for my transition.

Always Be Prepared■□

There is a sequel to the article "Power of Mother Language" that I wrote in January as the Interim International Director. During my Christmas vacation, I visited Michigan. On New Year's Eve, we spontaneously decided to have countdown worship with nine Japanese students who were visiting from Michigan's neighboring states. I had the privilege to share in Japanese. It became a time of encouragement for those students, who do not usually have a chance to worship and fellowship in their native language. I believe that I was not there by chance, but that I was intentionally placed there by God.

One of the JCFN's ministries in Japan that I hope to be involved with is to become an encouragement to Japan's regional returnee ministries. Just as I was placed in Michigan, I hope to be prepared to respond as an encouraging to other believers; I pray that I be used by God as an encouragement at every opportunity. 

What's Happening?■□

In the beginning of January, we had an intern at JCFN US Headquarters. Thankfully, I had a privilege to be her supervisor and we went through JCFN's Returnee Workbook together as one of her internship tasks. For February, I am going to go over the workbook together with my mentee since she is returning back to Japan for good this summer. While I observed them walk through this process, I noticed how I, myself, had changed during my stay in the States over the past 10 years. I should probably go over the workbook for myself so that I can prepare myself as I return back to Japan physically, mentally and spiritually.

March 14th-17th, JCFN will hold its annual Joint Staff Meeting. We will reflect on the previous year and plan for the coming year. Please pray that we can focus on God throughout the meeting.

On March 29th, I will leave America and arrive in Japan on the 30th. Please continue to pray for the ministries in Japan.

Praise & Prayer■□

- For my meaningful 10.5 years in the US (six years being a JCFN staff member) 
- For financial supporters.

- For annual Joint Staff Meeting 3/14-17.
- For preparation to return to Japan.
- For the ministries in Japan, especially for wisdom on relationship with regional ministries.
- For continuous financial supporter to be provided.


このページは、COが2013年2月28日 17:00に書いたブログ記事です。




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