


■2011. 3. 11■□





4月半ば、ロサンゼルスから北西2時間ほどのところにあるサンタバーバラという町に行ってきました。ロサンゼルスには日本人が多く在住しているので、日本人教会が数多くあります。そして、教会間の学生たちの交わりや、共にリーダーシップ訓練を受けたり、伝道したりする機会があります。ロサンゼルス市内から少し離れるサンタバーバラには日本人教会が1つだけですが、市内の大学には多くの日本人が留学しています。そこで、ロサンゼルスのクリスチャン学生たちで、サンタバーバラに応援に駆け付けようということになりました。総勢11名で日帰り小旅行に出かけてきました。サンタバーバラの教会では隔週の金曜日の夜にノンクリスチャン対象にした食事と交わりの時間を持っています。その日の合わせ、交わりに加えていただきました。プログラムもそのままロサンゼルスの学生たちがとりまとめ、食事・ゲーム・賛美・スモールグループ・メッセージの時間を持ちました。なかなか共通点のないサンタバーバラ組とロサンゼルス組ですが、大きな共通点は「日本から離れたところで震災を体験した」ということでした。その共通点をもとにスモールグループで分かち合いをしました。中でも、福島出身の学生(ノンクリスチャン)が分かち合ってくれたことが印象的でした。「家族の安否の不安、今は必要に関して皆が関心を持っているが、復興が進み、必要が満たされた時には、この時のことを忘れてしまうのではないか...。こんなことを思っていることすらも、身近の大学の友達にも言うことができなかった。話していいんだって思った...。」そのように語る彼女の姿を見て、今こそクリスチャンが隣に座り、話を聞き、共に祈ることができる特権と責任を感じました。海を越えて震災を体験した人たちへの「Ministry of Presence(存在を通してのミニストリー)」が求められているときだと感じています。今回の訪問をを通して、教団や教会、場所を超えた励まし合いの大切さを体験することができました。その体験を学生たちと分かち合うことができたことも祝福でした。引き続きサンタバーバラでの働きのために、またロサンゼルスのクリスチャン学生たちの成長のためにお祈りください。


4月末、学生伝道ミニストリーのコンサルティングのためにシアトルに行ってきました。ここ数年の動きとして、東京と大阪にあるツーリズム専門学校の学生が10ヶ月間の研修を行い、その期間に複数の学生がクリスチャンになり帰国していくというサイクルができています。その大きなきっかけとなっているのが「JxJ(Jesus x Japan)」というミニストリーです。数年前に学生伝道に重荷を持った青年たちが教会を超え集まり、草の根の働きとして始まりました。毎月1回、学生たちを招いてゲーム、食事、賛美、証の時間を持っています。また、他の時間にも個人的に時間を過ごすようにしたり、バイブルスタディの時間を持ったりしています。関係を深めていくことで、キリストを分かち合っています。伝道をしている学生たちの一生懸命な姿や心に、神様が注いでいる熱心さを知り、かえってこちらが励まされました。毎年この時期にJxJのコア、サブコアメンバーが集まってビジョンの確認と今後の計画を立てています。今回、招かれて、「教会とミニストリーについて」と、「ミニストリーにおいての男女の関係について」という2つのトピックのセミナーを担当しました。総勢20名ほどが集まりました。学んだことをスモールグループに分かれて分かち合いました。今まで気づいてなかったこと、考えていなかったこと、また考えていたけれど口にできいなかったことを分かち合う良い機会になったようです。学びの後、ビジョンの確認、コミットメント(関わること)の確認、半年間の計画を立てる時間を持ちました。これまでを振り返り、何を続け、止め、改善し、新しく取り入れるべきなのかをグループ別れ話し合い、その中で取り組むべきことの優先順位をつけていきました。日頃、リーダーとのスカイプでのやり取りでのみ知っているJxJですが、実際に関わってい一人ひとりと出会っていく中で、神様が確かにこのミニストリーとシアトルでの福音宣教の働きを祝福してくださっていることを思いました。ミニストリーに関わっている人たちの多くは学生です。またJxJを通して救われた人たちも関わっています。ますます祝福されることを祈ります。





◆    それぞれの旅路が守られて感謝。
◆    継続して、支援者が集められ続けていることへの感謝。

◆    変化の中、神様の呼びかけに忠実でいられるように。
◆    派遣教会である母教会・調布バプテスト教会のために。
◆    引き続き、継続的に経済的に支えてくださる方が与えられるように。

Newsletter, May, 2011

I apologize that it has been a long time since my last newsletter. After the devastating earthquake hit Japan on March 11, I have been thinking what I need to focus on. The time of reflection brought me the time to refocus on what God is calling me to do, and led me to be obedient to Him in everyday life. Here I would like to report on what I have been doing in my ministry these past few months.


"What can I do, being here in the States, God?" has been a big question to me since the earthquake in Japan on March 11. Hearing the news from internet and seeing the unseen scenery of Japan, I have been shocked and asking and praying, "What will happen to Japan?" In that situation, the small booklet of "After the Tsunami (or, Hurricane in some version)" was very helpful for me to learn how to pray. It was written by a theologian, Ajith Fernando who experienced Tsunami in Sri Lanka in 2004. I was really encouraged by this booklet and was reminded that God is the One who feels hurt the most to see this situation in Japan. Also I learned that it is OK to ask God why this is happening. Very basic things I learned, but it helped me a lot. I pray that God may be glorified in this devastating situation.

What I can do while being in the States is to pray. I have never felt that I am so far away from Japan geographically, and at the same time so close to Japan with my heart. My mother is from Fukushima. Before the earthquake, I recognized that Fukushima is my mother's hometown where I have been to in my childhood. But after this, I was changed to feel it really close and wept for it while I was interceding. It is almost like God's heart was imprinted into my heart. It is like the alert from God. There are students in the States from the areas hit by Tsunami. As I hear the details of what is happening in their area, I am led to pray for them and the areas. Certainly, "3.11" brought effects not only to Japan but also to the different places in the world. It raised intercessors for Japan and charity events in different places. There was no time that Japan has been in the spotlight and prayed over as much as right now. May the will of God be done in this.

This is the interview of the pastor of the church in Fukushima which experienced all of earthquake, Tsunami, and threat of radiation. It is only in Japanese, but I hope it gives you a picture the situation.

□Evangelism To Go□■

In the middle of April, I visited Santa Barbara which is a 2- hour drive Northeast from Los Angeles. In Los Angeles there are many Japanese people and quite a number of Japanese churches. There are opportunities for churches to do things together and for students to do ministry and have training together among churches in Los Angeles. However in Santa Barbara, there is only one Japanese church while there are many Japanese students. So, Japanese students in Los Angeles decided to visit Santa Barbara to encourage Japanese Christian students. 11 people from Los Angeles took a one-day trip to Santa Barbara. We joined their Friday night fellowship, which Santa Barbara Japanese Church holds every other Friday where they invite non-Christian students. Los Angeles team was in charge of the program and shared a meal, games, praise, small group time and message. There was no significant connection between us except that we are experiencing the aftereffects of the earthquake in Japan, while not in Japan. The topic of small group time was about what we are feeling about the things happening in Japan. I cannot forget what a female student from Fukushima was sharing, "I worry about how my family is doing, and everyone is concerned about the needs right now. But I wonder if we might forget things we experience now, once everything is recovered. I don't know it is even OK to talk about what I feel to my friends at school. But today, I knew that it's alright to talk about these things." Looking at her while sharing this, I realized the privilege and responsibility that we Christians have. We are able and ought to sit next to, listen, and pray together with those who are hurt. What I can do being away from Japan is "ministry of presence" for those who experienced this devastating situation being away from Japan. This one-day trip also reminded me of the importance of working and encouraging others together with the people from different churches, denominations, and locations. It was a blessing to share this experience with students. Please remember the ministry in Santa Barbara and the growth of Christian students in Los Angeles.

□Visiting Seattle□■

In the end of April, I had a chance to visit Seattle for student ministry consultation. For past several years, there were good cycles in Seattle. 10-month tourism students from Tokyo and Osaka study in Seattle, meet Christ, and return to Japan. One of the influences for those students is the student ministry called "JxJ (Jesus x Japan)." It started several years ago by Japanese young adults who have a heart for evangelizing to Japanese students. Once a month, they invite non-Christian Japanese students to a party and have time of games, dinner, praise, and testimony. Besides that, they try to get together with students and have Bible study and fun together. Building relationship with them, they introduce Christ. As I see their faces and heart reaching out to the students, I was encouraged by seeing God's heart in them. Each year around this time, the core and sub-core members of this ministry have annual meeting for reflection, evaluation and planning for upcoming year. This year, they invited me to teach 2 seminars of "church and ministry" and "gender in ministry." About 20 people attended this meeting and had a great time to share what they learned and are concerned about. After the seminars, they were divided into groups to discuss what they should continue, stop, develop and start in their ministry. Also they prioritized the topics for this coming year. I have been in monthly contact with the leader via Skype to reflect on what they have been doing. But it is totally different and valuable to see them face to face and think and pray together for the ministry. I definitely felt God's blessings on their ministry. Most of the people who are involved in JxJ are students, and those who are saved through JxJ also serve on the ministry team. I pray for more blessings on this.

I also had opportunities to visit different churches and pastors while I was staying in Seattle. One of the characteristics of the ministries in Seattle is that churches are close to one another and pastors from different churches have been well-connected. This must be an encouragement for each one of the churches, I believe. May the Lord bless the land of Seattle and more Japanese be brought to salvation and more Christians be equipped as Christ's disciples.

□What's Going on with Chihiro□■

As I wrote briefly, I moved my residence to the place 10-minute drive from the office. From April, US office staff member joined in the team. One ministry staff member had a birth of 2nd baby, and another ministry staff member gets married. In the midst of changes in US side, please pray for me that I can serve the Lord in the way He is delighted.
Jun. 18th - 19th: ec 11 planning committee meeting (CA)
Jul. 17th: Message at Union Church of Los Angeles
Jul. 28th - 30th: WIT11 (CA)
Dec. 27th - Jan. 1st: ec 10 (CA)

■Prayer for Chihiro■□

♪ Thanksgiving ♪
◆ For protection of each trip I made.
◆ For supporters continuously being provided.

♪ Requests ♪
◆ That I may be faithful to God's calling in the midst of changes.
◆ For my home church, Chofu Baptist Church.
◆ For financial supporters to be provided consistently.











月別 アーカイブ


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