



■再会@Urbana 09同窓会+関西への旅■□

2月、日本に到着後に最初の働きは、Urbana 09同窓会でした。日本からツアーで参加していた方々に声をかけ、関東(写真左)と関西(写真右)の2箇所で同窓会を行うことができました。それぞれの場所で、思い出の詰まったスライドショーを見ながら、アーバナで神様が体験させてくださったこと、教えてくださったこといもう一度静まる時間を持つことができました。中でも、それぞれが語られたことを受けて具体的な一歩を踏んでいる姿に、神様は喜んでくださる思いがしました。引き続き、ツアーに参加された方々の歩みを覚えお祈りください。

アーバナ同窓会のための関西訪問だったので、たった2日間の滞在でしたが、その間に帰国者との再会、教会訪問を含めることのできた有意義な関西への旅となりました。ニューヨークからの帰国者Eちゃんの家に泊まらせてもらいました。Eちゃんは私がまだ留学する前に参加した9年前のec 01で同じスモールグループの仲間。年齢が同じことや同時期に神学校に行っていたことから、親しくしていました。10年以上のアメリカ滞在を終え、昨年の夏に帰国しました。半年間どのようなところを通ってきたのかを聞き、一緒に祈ることができました。帰国後にいろんな変化を通る中で何が彼女の助けになったのか、今関わっている教会に落ち着くのに決めては何だったのか、などを聞かせてもらい、短い時間で濃い交わりのときとなりました。特に印象的だったのは、「自分の賜物を用いてほしい」という彼女の発言。帰国後、教会に行き始めたものの、属している感覚を得ることができていなかったそうです。そこに変化が訪れたのは自分の賜物が用いられる形で奉仕に関わるようになったこと。なかなか「自分の賜物はこれです!」という話題になることは難しいかもしれません。日本で帰国者を迎え入れる人は、帰国者が帰国前にどんな事に関わってきたのか、何に重荷があるのか、賜物が何なのかなどを意識的に聞いてみたらよいのかもしれません。また帰国していく人や送り出す側にとっても、帰国者が客観的に賜物を含め、自分自身を見つめ、説明できるように備えることも大切な帰国準備の1つであるように思いました。Eちゃんのため、また帰国者のためにお祈りください。

□equipper conference10実行委員会Kick off!□■

いよいよ3月より、2010年年末に行われるイクイッパーカンファレンス(以下、ec)の実行委員会が始動しました。2010年ecで、記念すべき10回目を迎えます。新実行委員長・佐伯良樹協力主事の指揮の下、良いスタートが切られています。実行委員もほとんどのメンバーが出揃ってきました。遠隔州・国のメンバーで構成されている実行委員会のコミュニケーションのほとんどがスカイプ(インターネット電話のようなもの)でなされています。良いチームビルディングがなされ、コミュニケーションが守られるようにお祈りください。現在は、それぞれが与えられている聖書の箇所を読み、祈りつつ、カンファレンスの要となるテーマについての話し合いがなされています。話し合いの中にいながら、ec 10に送られる参加者たちが神様によって変えられていく姿が今から見えるようで楽しみです。今回は講師として、日本から聖書講解講師として中川健一師(ハーベスト・タイム・ミニストリーズ主幹)、タイから大里英二師(日本バプテスト同盟宣教師)、アメリカ・ニュージャー州から錦織学師(ニュージャージー日本語キリスト教会牧師)をお迎えします。講師の方々の準備のためにもぜひお祈りください。
ec 10に関する詳細はこちらから。

■ANRC 10のこと。帰国者のこと。■□

オール・ネイションズ・リターニーズ・カンファレンス(ANRC10)のためにお祈りいただきありがとうございました。3月19日前日にフォーラム、20-22日に本大会が埼玉県熊谷市で行われました。昨年に上回る600名以上(同窓会のみの参加者を含めると700名近く)の参加者が与えられました。今回は、テーマを「One Body, Many Parts一つのからだ、多くの部分」と掲げ、帰国者、送り出す人、受け入れる人とが一つのからだとして繋がっていること、またキリストのからだを担う部分として私たちがあるということを思う時となりました。ひたすら裏方での参加になりましたが、帰国した間もない参加者たちと再会し、カンファレンス中に変えられていく帰国者たちの顔を目の当たりし、裏方の大変さも吹っ飛ぶ思いがしました。ANRCのすごいところは、ただ帰国者が励まされるだけでなく、そこでできたネットワークがそれぞれの地域に戻っても継続され、今度は自分達の地域に帰ってくる帰国者を受け入れるための更に小さい網目のネットワークになっていくということ。実際に、東北ではRIM(Returnees inみちのく)、栃木ではRIT(Returnees in栃木)、NNS(新潟・長野・静岡)、ANR関西などなど、各地域にANRCからの実が実っています。各地域の働きが励まされ、続けられていくようにお祈りください。







6月5日‐6日:ec 10実行委員会(カリフォルニア州)
12月27日‐1月1日:ec 10(カリフォルニア州)


 永住権申請が受理されたことの感謝。
 日本への旅が守られたことの感謝。
 継続して、支援者が集められ続けていることへの感謝。

 昼に夜に御言葉を口ずさむことができるように。
 派遣教会である母教会・調布バプテスト教会のために。
 日本で出会った人たちのために。
 引き続き、継続的に経済的に支えてくださる方が与えられるように。

Newsletter, April, 2010 (English ver.)


After having stayed in Japan for approximately two months, I am now back in the States. It was great to be with my family and home church family in Japan. I also enjoyed reuniting with returnees there. Still having jet lag, here is my report about my time in Japan!

■Urbana 09 Reunion + Trip to Kansai■□

In February, my first responsibility in Japan was to attend the Urbana 09 reunion. Those who participated in the Urbana tour got together both in Kanto and Kansai. We saw some videos and slideshows from the conference, and reflected on what God led them to experience and learn during the trip. I was very encouraged to hear about how they have been applying what He taught them in their actual life. I sensed God delighting in them. Please continue praying for their faith journey.

Since the trip to Kansai was only for the Urbana reunion, I only stayed for two days. However, during this stay, I was able to meet returnees and visit churches to report about what is going on. I stayed with one of my friends, who is a returnee from New York. I have known her since equipper conference 2001, which I attended from Japan before I went to seminary. She was my small group leader. Because we are the same age and studied in seminary around the same time frame, we have continued to grow close and have been encouraging each other over th eyears. After her stay in the US for more than 10 years, she finally returned to Japan last summer. She told me what kind of journey she has been through during the previous months, and we were able to pray together. The specific conversation we had about her transition, what led her to decide on a home church, etc helped me to learn more about returnees. The short time that we spent together left a big impact. The most interesting comment that she made was that she wants her gifts to be used. Right after she arrived in Japan, she started attending church, but she did not feel a sense of belonging at the church. However, that changed after she began her involvement in a ministry at the church, where her gifts came to life. It is perhaps rare to find someone that comes out and boldly states, "This is my spiritual gift." Therefore, it may be a good idea for those who welcome returnees at church to intentionally ask them certain questions: What kind of ministries they were involved in at their churches while overseas, what passion they have, and what spiritual gifts they have. As for those who are returning or are sending them out, it might be a good idea to guide returnees to reflect on themselves including their spiritual gifts and prepare to explain themselves before their return. Please pray for my dear friend in Kansai and the other returnees.

□ec 10 Planning Committee has kicked off!!□■

The planning committee for equipper conference 2010, held at the end of this year, has begun meeting. This year marks its ten-year anniversary. The new director, Yoshiki Saeki JCFN associate staff, is leading the team. Since the team consists of people in different countries and states, most of the communication is held via Skype. Please pray for their team building and communication as the planning progresses. Currently, they are having discussions about the main theme. During the meetings, I get excited imagining the ec 10 conferees being transformed by God. This year, we will invite the following speakers: Rev. Kenichi Nakagawa (Harvest Time Ministries) from Japan, Mr. Eiji Osato (Japan Baptist Union missionary) from Thailand, and Rev. Manabu Nishikori (New Jersey Japanese Christian Church pastor) from NJ, USA. Please pray for the preparation of speakers as well.

□Something about ANRC 10 & Returnees□■

Thank you very much for your prayers for All Nations Returnees Conference (ANRC10). The special forum was held on March 19, and the main conference was held from the 20th to the 22nd in Kumagaya, Saitama. There were nearly 700 attendees, if we include those that attended only the reunion portion of the conference. The theme of the conference was "One Body, Many Parts." It expresses that returnees, senders, and receivers are connected as one body and that this body exists to actualize the work of the Lord together. Although I was serving backstage, I was excited to see brand new returnees encouraged during ANRC10. What is amazing about ANRC is that the returnees are not only encouraged, but also have an opportunity to connect with others like themselves and even network to bring something back with them to their respective areas. Such new connections in turn help upcoming returnees. In fact, various groups like RIM in Tohoku, RIT in Tochigi, ANRK in Kansai, NNS (Niigata, Nagano, & Shizuoka), etc. have started as the result of ANRC. Please pray for each movement.

After ANRC10, I had a chance to meet up with "Michelle (refraining her real name)," a returnee from Canada. JCFN received a request to follow-up with her. Since she lives close to my parents' house, I decided to have coffee with her. She had lived in Canada for two months, approximately eight years ago, met Christians there, and accepted Christ. After she returned to Japan, however, she has had no interest in Christianity. The reasons were various; her family did not understanding her decision to becoming a Christian, she married a non-Christian man, etc. But God had other plans and I was able to meet and hear her stories. I believe that if she truly had no interest in Christianity, she probably would not have met up with me. I believe that the seed of the Gospel is still in her heart. Honestly, I felt a sense of uneasiness that she had not had a personal follow-up session such as this eight years ago when she first returned to Japan. However, I also sense that this process she is currently going through brings her closer to God and glorifies Him. Several days later, I received an e-mail from the Canadian lady who requested for someone to follow-up with Michelle. The Canadian lady forwarded me Michelle's email which read, "I don't have time to go to church and don't believe in God any more. However, the prayer Chihiro prayed for me was so strong and I felt something Big helping me. That may be the power of God. I may go to her church some time and sing for God." Please pray for her so that she may experience God personally.

There are returnees who are able to go to places like ANRC, and there are also those who have stepped completely away from such communities. By meeting both types of returnees, I was led to reflect about the type of support God wants me to be for the returnees both before and after their returns. God is interested in people. My prayer is for me to be sensitive so that they may stay in relationship with God and obey His calling. May the will of God be done...

□What's Going on with Chihiro□■

Thank you very much for your prayer for my green card application process. On the day I left Japan to return back to the U.S., I received an e-mail from my lawyer reporting about my green card approval. When I arrived back, I received the actual green card in the mailbox at my apartment. Actually a month prior to that, I was told that the Immigration Office had lost all the supporting documents I turned in in December. So, I was surprised at how fast the things progressed since then. I have no doubt that it was it was the work of God. Thank you for your prayers. Because I have received the green card, it will become easier for me to travel between Japan and the U.S. I feel urgency to keep meeting up with returnees in person. I am looking forward to the expansion of the ministry. Please pray for my future ministries. Please continue praying for JCFN's office situation. We are still looking for a place to move. Please pray that we may be obedient to His guidance.

Apr. 17th - 18th: US intensive staff meeting
May 27th - Jun. 1st: Trip to Japan (vacation)
Jun. 5th - 6th: ec 10 planning committee meeting (CA)
Jun. 10th - 13th: Annual joint staff meeting (CA)
Jul. 22nd - 24th: WIT10 (CA)
Dec. 27th - Jan. 1st: ec 10 (CA)

■Prayer for Chihiro■□

♪ Thanksgiving ♪
 For my green card approval.
 For protection during my trip to Japan.
 For supporters continuously being provided.

♪ Requests ♪
 That I am able to meditate on God's word day and night.
 For my home church, Chofu Baptist Church.
 For those who I met during my trip to Japan.
 For financial supporters to be provided consistently.






月別 アーカイブ


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