
CO: 2011年1月アーカイブ





● 先セメスターの振り返り
● 今セメスタービジョンの確認
● 4つの分野で見たいこと&そのための戦略
  1. Fridayで。
  2. Friday以外で。
  3. スタッフ間で。
  4. 自分と神様の関係で。
● お互いを知る(今回はお互いの賜物を知ろう!)
● バイブルスタディのやり方の学び
● それぞれが思っている人を名前を挙げて祈る













新年明けましておめでとうございます!!2010年、たくさんのサポートをいただいたこと、本当に感謝します。今年もどうぞよろしくお願いします。2011年も、皆さんの上に溢れんばかりの神様の祝福がありますようにお祈りします。2010年の締めくくりであるequipper conference 2010(ec 10)を終え、新しい年を迎えた実感をしている今日この頃です。ec 10のことを中心にニュースレターをお送りします。

■equipper conference 2010■□

ec10groupphotosmall.jpg皆さんにお祈りいただいていた、ec 10が祝福の内に終えられました。アメリカ、カナダ、日本、韓国、ニュージーランド、イギリスから総勢約350人の参加者が与えられました。「Reflect His Holiness~聖なる方はあなたのうちに」というテーマで、聖化について学びました。講師陣それぞれが、十字架のメッセージ、信仰の基礎、キリストのように変えられていくプロセスである聖化について、それぞれの言葉で語ってくださり、思い巡らす機会が与えられました。また、今回はヨハネの手紙第1を毎朝のバイブルスタディと聖書講解メッセージから学びました。御言葉を読み、根差すことの訓練の時となりました。5泊6日、共通して言えたことは、テーマにもある通り、私たちの内に住まわれる神様に内側を変えていただくことであったように思います。たった6日間では取り扱いきれないことに踏み出した参加者一人ひとりのこれからの歩みのために祈らされます。どうぞ心を合わせてお祈りください。


ec 10の様子をYoutubeでどうぞ。


ec 10を経ての個人的なところを書いてみたいと思います。修養会の当日になるまで想像がつかなかったのが、私自身、どのような立場で実際にその場にいるのだろうかということでした。JCFNスタッフになって最初の2年を実行委員長として、修養会の最前線で準備を進め、当日も「実行委員長」という肩書きによる見方によって修養会の進み具合を見ていたように思います。さて2010年、初めてのいわゆる「肩書き」のない立場での修養会参加。実行委員長のサポートと、手の届ききれていないところを補う役目がありました。つまり、裏方の裏方。具体的に自分自身が評価される機会もなく、直接的な実を見ることのない立場で、なんとなく空を切っている感覚を受けました。そして改めて気づいたことは、2年前の私とはまた違うシーズン(季節)にいるのだということでした。参加者たち・・・というよりも、働き人たちが、働くことができるように裏で働くシーズンにいるということでした。その切り替えがいまいちできていなかったせいか、空を切っている感覚になっていたのだと思います。口では「サポートする立場」と言っておきながら、心はついていっていなかったようです。これからの私のecへの関わりは、ずっと働き人たちのサポート。参加者たち、中心的働き人は変わっていくけれど、裏のサポート役として関わり続けるということを、ある意味割り切っていくことが必要なのだということを感じています。働き人をサポートするという素晴らしい役割が与えられているという大切なことを気づかされました。感謝です。







以前にも、日頃から3人の人の成長に個人的に関わることを心がけていることをニュースレターにも書きましたが、その心がけが続いていることを感謝します。ec 10でメンタリングに関するワークショップのパネルとして自分の経験をお分かちする機会がありました。神様が思いを与えてくださって、個人的に関わる人たちを周りにおいてくださってきたことを思い、改めて主を賛美しました。そして、私に許されて与えられた経験を分かち合う中で、神様の熱心さが心の内にあることを再確認しました。2011年も神様が与えてくださる機会に従順に、人の個人的成長に関わっていきたいと思います。

また、想定外の年を迎えるからこそ、私自身の成長のためにも、常に仲間に対してオープンでいることを心がけたいと思います。2009年から、ec 08の時に共に実行委員を務めた仲間とスカイプでスモールグループを作り、毎週、分かち合いと学びの時間を持っています。スモールグループ形成以来初めて、今回のec期間中に4人で顔を合わせることができました。感謝!この仲間が与えられていることに感謝します。成長する機会にいつも積極的でいたいと思います。私が成長し続けることができるように、心合わせて祈っていただけたらうれしいです。


◆ equipper conference 2010が守られたことの感謝。
◆ 継続して、支援者が集められ続けていることへの感謝。

◆ 地面を深く掘り下げ、土台を据えて、成長し続けることができるように。
◆ 引越しのために。
◆ 派遣教会である母教会・調布バプテスト教会のために。
◆ 引き続き、継続的に経済的に支えてくださる方が与えられるように。

Newsletter, January, 2011


Happy New Year!! Thank you very much for all your prayers and support during the year of 2010. I pray for blessings for each of you throughout the new year of 2011. I feel relieved and "it's now a new year" after we finished equipper conference (ec 10). I report my ministry focusing on ec 10.

■equipper conference 2010■□

Thank you very much for your prayer for ec 10. It was finished with lots of blessings. There were about 350 conferees from US, Canada, Japan, South Korea, New Zealand and UK. The theme was "Reflect His Holiness - He Lives within You," and it focused on sanctification. Each speaker taught the message of the cross, the foundation of faith and the process of becoming like Jesus (sanctification). In the morning, the conferees learned 1st letter of John through both inductive Bible studies and Bible exposition. It allowed them to learn how to study and live the Scriptures. Throughout the six-day conference, they just jumped in the process of dealing with their deep emotions within, which cannot be completed during the conference. Please remember their journey and protection in your prayers.

Unfortunately, there were about 9 people who could not attend because of heavy blizzard in the east coast. Since ec is national conference, this kind of thing has occurred. Please pray that those who could not make it for ec 10 had sufficient blessings where they were during the end of the year.

Check it the highlight video of ec 10 @ Youtube.

□Assurance of the Important Things□■

Now, I would like to write about my personal process through ec 10. What I could not imagine before the day of the conference was how I would be present and what kind of role I would take during the actual conference. I served as the Chief Director of ec for 2 years since becoming a JCFN full-time staff worker. The last 2 times of ec, I was planning and representing as the Chief Director when I needed to make decisions during the conference. And now I was at ec 10 without any major job title for the first time since 2008. My job description was to support this year's Chief Director and to do anything where help was needed, which meant backstage of backstage. There was no place to be personally evaluated and no direct fruits to witness, and I felt as though I was not doing enough. Then I was realized that I now entered in a different season of ministry than 2 years ago. I am standing on the place to support workers to support conferees, rather than supporting conferees directly. In my mind, I understood that I was to support workers in the backstage of backstage, but emotionally I was not able to understand this change of season. From now on, my involvement with ec will be to support workers. Conferees and core planning members of ec will be changing, but my role will be the same. I need to set a boundary with my ministry. What a privilege to support workers for the Lord. I am thankful to realize this important role at this time.

There was another important thing that I re-recognized during ec. ec serves for returnees. During my 2 month trip to Japan last year, I visited different returnees to collect video messages to ec conferees. The video messages were modified into a video letter and shown to ec conferees during the conference. There were also testimonies from those who already returned to Japan. There were attendees from Japan who were willing to share their stories and encourage those who are returning to Japan in the future. There was a skit played at every evening plenary session focusing on re-entry. The message contained in these skits was that the truth of the word, which is important for them to rely not on ourselves who change quickly, emotionally and are easily moved, but to rely on God who is big and loves us so that our steps are stabled. Witnessing the passing of encouragement brought me lots of encouragement.

You can watch video letter from returnees @ Youtube.

□Hope for 2011□■

2011 will be the year of change. Co-workers will be getting married, having a baby, and a new staff worker will be joining our US headquarters. The structure of ministry will be changing. Also, I will be physically moving my residence. In the midst of environmental change, what I need to do is to put myself on the unchanging foundation. During my devotion, the following verses caught me.

I will show you what it's like when someone comes to me, listens to my teaching, and then follows it. It is like a person building a house who digs deep and lays the foundation on solid rock. When the floodwaters rise and break against that house, it stands firm because it is well built.
Luke 6:47-48

I believe that it is necessary for me to "dig deep" and "lay foundation on solid rock" especially during this year of change. One of the speakers shared that "we know our reality when the unexpected happens." Following this message, I shared during re-entry seminar that "re-entry itself is the unexpected, and going through the unexpected is the chance for us to grow!" I feel like the words I shared returned to me. The year of 2011, I would like to look forward to the opportunity to grow by digging deep and laying the foundation on the solid rock.

As I shared before, I intentionally keep being involved in the growth of 3 girls personally. I praise the Lord for this intention given by Him. During ec 10, I had a chance to share my experience as a panel at one of the workshops. As I was sharing how God brought me the heart for others and led me to meet certain people around me, I was just praising the Lord for what He has done. Also, I have realized again at the passion He planted in me. I would like to be obedient for the opportunities He gives and allows me to be involved in others' growth.

Lastly, because of the year of change, I would like to be open to my friends in order for me to grow. Since 2009, I am in a Skype small group together with the friend who served in ec committee of ec 08. We have been meeting on Skype every week to share and study. We, 4 of us were able to meet in person during ec 10 for our first time since small group has started. I am thankful to God for giving me these great friends. I would like to eager to the opportunities for growth. I appreciate if you can pray together with me for my growth.

□What's Going on with Chihiro□■

As I wrote briefly, I am planning to move my residence in near future. Probably beginning of March, I will be moving, a 10-minute drive from the office. Please pray that every need may be met due to this move. There are no specific travel plans yet for the year of 2011. I will note this later this year.

■Prayer for Chihiro■□

♪ Thanksgiving ♪
◆ For protection during equipper conference 2010.
◆ For supporters continuously being provided.

♪ Requests ♪
◆ That I can grow by digging deep and laying the foundation on the solid rock.
◆ For my moving.
◆ For my home church, Chofu Baptist Church.
◆ For financial supporters to be provided consistently.


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前のアーカイブはCO: 2010年12月です。

次のアーカイブはCO: 2011年2月です。


CO: 月別アーカイブ

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