
JCFN総主事代行レター: 2011年11月アーカイブ


Happy Thanksgiving!どちらも冷え込む季節になってきました。お体を大事にされてください。こちらアメリカでは、11月にThanksgiving Dayという祝日を向かえ、日頃の感謝を伝え合う時となります。この場をお借りして、改めてJCFNの働きに色々な形をもって加わってくださる方々に感謝をお伝えします。ありがとうございます。

●● 日本各地での受け皿の広がり ●●

2009、10年に日本で開催されたAll Nations Returnees Conferenceを皮切りに、日本各地域で帰国者受け入れミニストリーが始まったということはこれまでにもお伝えしてきましたが、秋はその修養会が各地で開催される時となりました。関西と東北で行われた修養会を報告します。

Vine Conference(All Nations Returnees関西)
9月下旬、大阪にて、Vine Conferenceが開催されました。ANRC09でに集められた関西の帰国者達が、ANR関西という帰国者集会を発足(http://www.anrkansai.org)、ANRC10で再び集まった時に、修養会を行うこと決め、実現に至りました。世界各国からの帰国者達、約150名の参加がありました。関西で帰国者の修養会が行われたのは約10年前。それ以来の新しい帰国者達による手作り間溢れる修養会となりました。修養会の名前の通り、主に繋がることを学んだ時となったようです。引き続き、関西にいる帰国者達を覚え、お祈りください。

RIMキャンプ(Returnees in みちのく)

●● JxJ WIT ●●

10月下旬、シアトルで行われているミニストリー「JxJ」のに関わるスタッフのためのリーダーシップトレーニングが行われました。その名も「JxJ WIT」。毎夏、カリフォルニア州で行っているWIT(Whatever It Takes)キャンプの地域版です。「十字架にならうリーダーシップ」として、縦の関係(神様との関係)と横の関係(兄弟姉妹との関係)の両方向から、リーダーシップの大切さを学んでいきました。カリフォルニアから白岩マーク協力主事と共に訪問してきました。JxJ WITの準備に関わってくれたのは、WIT卒業生です。ここでも、WITの実を見ることができ感謝でした。総勢24名の参加者があり、今一度立ち止まり、神様との関係、与えられている仲間との関係を振り返る良い機会になりました。また、この機会をもって、JxJが正式にJCFNの地域集会という位置づけでミニストリーが展開していく事になりました。良いサポートをし続けることができるようにと願います。具体的にこれからの歩みに、学んだことを取り入れ続けることができるようにお祈りください!

●● 新主事研修 ●●


●● 主事動向 ●●



equipper conferenceの準備がラストスパートに入りました。11月2週目、実行委員達がCAに集まり、最後の詰めを行いました。主事、協力主事もecで自分の担当分野での準備に専念する時になってきました。引き続き、指揮を取っている実行委員長の佐伯良樹協力主事のためにお祈りください。






● 清水主事のサポートレイズのために。
● 三木事務主事の北米での働きのために。
● JCFNのファンドレイズのために。(日本:冬季ファンドレイズ、US:マッチングファンドキャンペーン)
● equipper conferenceの準備のために。
● All Nations Returnees Conference12の準備のために。
● 河上恵美子協力主事の働きのために。

12月27日-1月1日:equipper conference (CA)
Happy Thanksgiving! I believe that it is getting colder in different locations. Please take good care of yourselves during this season. Thanksgiving day is coming in November in the USA, and we are going to share our thanksgiving with one another. So I would like to give thanks to each one of you who joined JCFN ministries in various ways. Thank you so much.

●●Expansion of Returnee Ministry in Japan●●

We have been reporting that returnee ministries in different areas in Japan were created after the All Nations Returnees Conference held in 2009 and 2010 in Japan. During this Fall, some regional retreats were held. Here are the reports from Kansai and Tohoku:

Vine Conference (All Nations Returnees Kansai)
At the end of September, the Vine Conference was held in Osaka. Those who were attending ANRC09 from Kansai area formed a returnee fellowship called ANRKansai (http://www.anrkansai.org). When they were united at ANRC10, they decided to hold a retreat, which took place this September. There were about 150 attendees who returned from all over the world. It has been almost ten years since the returnee retreat was last held. Vine Conference was filled with the sense of being "hand-made" by new returnees. As its name suggests, it became the place to learn to abide in the Lord. Please continue to pray for the returnees in Kansai area.

RIM Camp (Returnees in Michinoku)

At the beginning of October, 2nd RIM Camp was held in the Tohoku area. They have decided to meet in this special occasion after the disaster of Tohoku in March. There were about fifty people who attended, including those who support Tohoku from other regions. There were children, as well. RIM was also established by those who were at ANRC09. It has been a great place to follow up returnees for the past two years. This network now worked to encourage one another in Tohoku after the earthquake. I believe that God has founded the horizontal connection among the Tohoku people for this special situation before hand. According to the reports of those who visited Tohoku, there are still so many needs in the area. I pray that this network of RIM would help to meet those needs deeply and widely. Some of those who attended from outside of Tohoku decided to reside in Tohoku to continue joining relief work by responding the call from God. Please pray that those who returned may listen and respond to God's calling.

●● JxJ WIT ●●

At the end of October, the one-day training event for the Seattle ministry leadership, JxJ was held. It was called "JxJ WIT." WIT (Whatever It Takes) leadership camp is held every Summer in California, and JxJ WIT was the regional training camp. The focus of the training was "Cross-Centered Leadership" and we learned leadership from the vertical relationship with God and horizontal relationship with brothers and sisters. I visited Seattle along with Mark Shiraiwa, an associate staff from California. WIT graduates were involved in the preparation for JxJ WIT. I was grateful to witness the fruit of WIT. 24 JxJ core members attended the training, and had time to reflect on their relationship with God and other fellows. JxJ is now officially adopted as a JCFN regional meeting. Please pray that JCFN can continue to support JxJ ministry. Please also pray for those who were at JxJ WIT, so that they can apply what they learned in their spiritual journey.

●● New Staff Training ●●

At the US Headquarters, some staff members have returned from their trips. Machiko Miki, on e of the office staff, safely arrived in the US with her visa. Now, all four staff members have finally gathered. So we have decided to sit together in order to get to know each others' leadership style, team building, and to go over JCFN's mission and values. It became the time of not only welcoming a new staff member, but also resting before getting in the busy season. Please pray for new US team dynamics. Please pray also for Japan office, since the one-man office situation is still going on. We are blessed with these teammates!

●● Staff Updates ●●

Setsu Shimizu (US Staff) finished her long trip and returned to the US on November 2nd. She is entering her support raising mainly in the US from now on. Please remember her in your prayer.

Machiko Miki (US Office Staff) flew to the US on October 18th, and began her work. Thank you very much for your prayers.

We are getting into final preparation for Equipper Conference. In the 2nd week of November, EC committee members got together in California, and had good discussions on planning the conference. JCFN staff and associate staff members will also use our time for our roles at EC. Please continue to pray for Yoshiki Saeki (US Associate Staff), who is directing this.

Please pray for 20th anniversary booklet project, and for Yuko Ozeki (US Staff) who is organizing it.

There is almost one year until ANRC12. Website is now updated at www.allnations.jp/anrc12. Check it out. Maki Goto (Japan Staff) is in charge of the website. Please pray for him as well.
Emiko Kawakami is now installed as a US associate staff member focusing on the San Diego region. She is following up with returnees from San Diego. Please pray for her ministry.

Prayer Requests
● For Setsu's support-raising.
● For Machiko's ministry in US.
● For JCFN's fundraising (Japan: Winter fundraise; US: Matching fundraise).
● For preparation for equipper conference.
● For preparation for All Nations Returnees Conference 12.


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前のアーカイブはJCFN総主事代行レター: 2011年10月です。

次のアーカイブはJCFN総主事代行レター: 2011年12月です。


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