
CO: 2011年12月アーカイブ



Merry Christmas!!長らく、「ちひろだより」をお届けできず、大変失礼いたしました。クリスマスと新年のご挨拶と共に、久々のたよりをお届けします。総主事代行として、JCFN報告を1~2ヶ月に1度発信させていただいています。私のブログのほうに上げておきましたので、過ぎし数ヶ月の報告をブログのほうでも、ぜひご覧ください。

今、アメリカ本部は、いよいよ来週にと近づいてきたequipper conference 11の準備で大賑わいになってきました。準備、そして、修養会当日を覚え、お祈りください。今のところ、例年よりも申込者数が少ないですが、初めてecに参加される人たちの名前を多く目にしています。アメリカ国内でのネットワークが広げられ、帰国者たちが帰国前に整えられることができる環境が益々広がっていくようにお祈りください。また、日本での繋がり、帰国後に必要な関係作りがecの場所を通して構築されていくようにお祈りください。



JCFNのオフィスがロングビーチからアーバインに引っ越ししてから1年少し、私自身も住まいをコスタメサに移してから半年経ったところで、地域での働きに動きがありました。年初めから属するべき教会を祈りつつ、ひとつの教会に集い、そこでの日本人ミニストリーでの可能性を探っていましたが、なかなか開かれていかない状況が続いていました。それが、9月に入ってから一転、神さまが人との繋がり与えてくださり、JCFNのオフィスの場所を借りている、Newsong Church内での新しいミニストリーの可能性が広がっていきました。近くにUCアーバイン(UCI)という大学があり、そこの大学生達が多く、教会にいます。彼ら(アメリカ人)の内に留学生(特に日本人学生)対して重荷を持つ人達が起こされ、その学生達との出会いがありました。最初はクリスチャン学生たちと集まり、祈り、実際にどのように留学生と伝道バイブルスタディをしたらよいのかを学びました。そして、留学生スモールグループを週に1回行うことが決まりました。








まずは、ec11に向けて今はまっしぐらですが、年が明け、2012年には日本での帰国者ミニストリーに関わる人たちを対象にしたリーダーシップトレーニングキャンプを計画しています。2012年、ecはありませんが、第3回目となるANRC(All Nations Returnees Conference)が11月に静岡で開催されることに向け、年間スケジュールが計画されていくことになります。具体的な計画が出てきたらまたお伝えしますが、日本に行く頻度が増える年になると思います。

4月:slim conference(イタリア)

  ♪ 1年の歩みが守り導かれたこと。
  ♪ 地域での働きが祝福されていること。
  ♪ 継続して、支援者が集められ続けていること。

  ♪ 関わることが許されている人たちとの関係のために。
  ♪ equipper conference11のために。
  ♪ 派遣教会である母教会・調布バプテスト教会のために。
  ♪ 継続的支援者が与えられるように。

Newsletter, December, 2011


I apologize that it has been awhile since I have sent out "Chihiro Times." Along with holiday wishes, I would like to report my ministry. Since June, I have taken the position as the JCFN Interim International Director, and have been updating JCFN members with a ministry report periodically. It is posted on my personal blog as well, so please take a look at the website to find out what is new at JCFN.

Now at JCFN US headquarters, we are spending all of our time preparing for equipper conference 11 coming up this month. Please pray for the preparation and the conference itself. It seems like we do not have much conferees registered like previous years and instead notice more first timers. Please pray that ec would be the place for returnees to network within the States so that they may be equipped before their returns. Please pray also for them to have connection with friends from their hometown in Japan so that they have place to be followed-up after their returns.

Speaking of myself at ec, I will be teaching at the Returnee Seminar and hold a workshop for "Giftedness (spiritual gifts)." Please pray that God may be speaking through me to encourage and challenge the conferees. Please pray for the final preparation for them.
Thank you so much for your prayers, support, and encouragement throughout the year. It meant a lot to me. Without your support, I could not make the year fruitful in ministry. Here, I would like to report what is taken place in my life besides JCFN ministry and my reflection on this year.

■Local Ministry■□

In September, a little over a year since JCFN moved from Long Beach to Irvine and half a year since I moved my residence to Costa Mesa, there have been changes for local ministry. At the beginning of this year, I was attending an English-speaking church to pray about whether it would be a church that I can belong to and be involved in Japanese ministry in that church. However, I could not find good opportunities to move forward. But the situation changed in September. God gave us connections with several people who have a heart for the Japanese at Newsong Church, where JCFN is renting office space. It has opened a new opportunity for ministry. The UCI (University of California, Irvine) campus is near the church, and quite a few university students are involved in college ministry at Newsong. Several students (American) have heart for internationals (especially for Japanese international students), and we had a chance to meet them. At first, we met weekly with Christian students to pray about what would happen. Then, we decided to start a weekly small group for international students.

Interesting things happened when UCI's new quarter began at the end of September. We had connections with not only Japanese exchange students to UCI but also language school students. The language school is located right across the UCI campus. It has been only three months since its start, but we witness God's mighty hands on this small group. Most of those Japanese students come to the small group to make American friends and to learn English with them. But as they are spending time with American Christian friends at the Bible study, they began to think of what their American friends are believing and want to know more about the Bible. Within just three months, more than 10 Japanese students have attended the small group, although not every student continues to attend. Most of the language students stay for short-term in Irvine. Please pray that we can do whatever God entrusts us with for them in their short-term stay, and build a good relationship with them. Please also pray that they may make a decision to receive Christ's salvation. Lastly, pray for those American students serving the internationals.

□Reflection on 2011 □■

Again, thank you very much for your support for the ministry this year. I was only able to pray from the US, as I was seeing Japan completely changed after the Earthquake. I realized that what we have could be gone or changed in an instant. I was thinking of what I can do for this situation. I was praying to know what God's plan. Also, JCFN had been through big changes in the situation. Without proper experiences or abilities, I was appointed to be the Interim International Director of JCFN. I have been spending the past few months experiencing God's mercy. Only God can guide us in a situation of what we have never imagined before.

Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. (Philippians 4:6-7)

I am NOT God, but just a human. Only the Omnipotent God is the source for my life. What I learned this year was to live by recognizing God as God in any circumstances. It might be something very basic, but I would like to always come back to this truth.

May God bless you during this season of Christmas with the love and peace of God, who sent us the wonderful gift, the Savior to the Earth. I also pray for His blessings and guidance for this coming new year.

□What's Going on with Chihiro□■

Currently, ec11 is the center of our ministry. In the beginning of 2012, we are planning to have leadership training camp for those who are involved in follow-up ministries in Japan. We will not have ec during 2012, but there will be 3rd ANRC (All Nations Returnees Conference) in November. Most of the JCFN ministry next year will be related to ANRC12. The specific planning for next year has not yet been made, but it seems like I would have several chances to visit Japan.

Dec. 27th - Jan. 1st: ec11 (CA)
February: Japan visit
March: Annual Joint Staff Meeting (CA)
April: slim conference (Italy)

■Prayer for Chihiro■□

♪ Thanksgiving ♪
  ♪ For protection and guidance this year.
  ♪ For blessings on local ministry
  ♪ For supporters continuously being provided.

♪ Requests ♪
  ♪ For relationship with those whom God placing around me.
  ♪ For equipper conference 11.
  ♪ For my home church, Chofu Baptist Church.
  ♪ For financial supporters to be provided consistently.


日  月  火  水  木  金  土 
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前のアーカイブはCO: 2011年11月です。

次のアーカイブはCO: 2012年1月です。


CO: 月別アーカイブ

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