
CO: 2010年11月アーカイブ



Happy Thanksgiving!8月末から始まった約2ヶ月間の日本滞在を終え、アメリカにまた戻ってきました。時差ボケと格闘しながら11月を迎え、ようやく、アメリカでの生活と仕事に戻ってきた感覚を受ける今日この頃です。日本滞在を覚え、お祈りくださりありがとうございます。














私がメンタリングに関わっていた姉妹が2人、関西に帰国しました。実際に彼女たちに会い、帰国後の様子をそれぞれの場所で聞き、一緒に祈ることができました。教会は見つかりましたが、今後、自分の地域で共に成長していける仲間を見つけていくことが課題です。今は、アメリカの地からスカイプでそれぞれと2週間に1度話し、祈る関係が続いています。ですが、同じ地域に友がいることはとても大切なことです。教会内で、または地域で、何でも話せ祈り合える信仰の友が与えられるように引き続き祈っていきたいと思います。また、関西ではANRK(All Nations Returnees関西)という集まりが、ANRCの後に生まれました。来年9月に関西地区のカンファレンスを開催しようと準備を進めています。その中心メンバーとお会いすることができ交わりの機会が与えられました。どうぞ彼らの準備のためにお祈りください。


旅の仕上げは、北海道と東北訪問でした。それぞれの場所で帰国者に会うことができました。中でも、RIM(リターニーズ inみちのく)という東北初の帰国者修養会直後に訪問したので、皆、これからに期待している様子がうかがえて励まされました。また、何人かの地域の牧師とお会いし、JCFNの働きの紹介と今後の帰国者フォローアップの協力のお願いをしました。実際にお会いし、帰国者がどのようなところを取っていくのかを伝えていく中で、神様の働きを認めて下さる様子を目の当たりにしました。実際にお会いして伝えていくことの大切さと、神様の働きを伝えていくことの力強さとを思いました。新しい出会いが与えられたことに感謝します。




アメリカに戻ってから、ec 10モード一色です。これから当日に向けて集中した準備が進められています。変わらず、ロングビーチのアパートに住み、アーバインの新オフィスに通っています。車を運転する時間が増えました。日々の働きが守られるようにぜひお祈りください。次の旅の予定はまだありません。

12月27日‐1月1日:ec 10(カリフォルニア州)


 日本への旅、日本巡回が守られたことの感謝。
 キリスト者の集いで救われた魂が起こされたことの感謝。
 継続して、支援者が集められ続けていることへの感謝。
 常に従順に神様の声に従っていけるように。
 派遣教会である母教会・調布バプテスト教会のために。
 equipper conferenceの準備のために。
 日本で出会った帰国者、同労者のために。
 引き続き、継続的に経済的に支えてくださる方が与えられるように。

Newsletter, November, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving! I have finished my 2 month trip to Japan beginning from August, and arrived in the States safely. Fighting against jet lag, I returned in November and still adjusting to my life here in the US. Thank you very much for your prayers especially for my stay in Japan.

■Trip to Japan: Prologue - Knowing Where I am■□
It was my first visit to Japan during summer since 2006 although I go back to Japan every year. On the day I arrived in Japan, it was really hot. Actually, this weather was record heat. It was cooler than usual summer in Southern CA when I left for Japan, so I was amazed at the temperature and humidity in Japan. Also lots of mosquito bites struck me down. Because of rush, I visited dermatologist and was told my body is not adjusted well to the weather in Japan. Then, I noticed that my physical condition has been changed while I was away from Japan for 8 years. 8 years are so long.

One morning at Shinjuku station, I saw a group of 3 foreigners having some trouble on their way. I offered them some help since I might be able to help them with my English. But I faced reality. The question they asked me was if the certain train will lead them to Mount Fuji. I had no words to answer to them. I had never been to Mount Fuji by train, and did not know which one they needed to take. Then I realized that the fact of speaking English cannot be the way of helping others, but rather I need to know where I am in order to help them out.
Through these 2 discoveries, I learned that I first need to know where I stand in order to follow up returnees. I need to know Japan in order to tell people about Japan. I need to know my faith life in order to tell people about faith. These are the principles as I relate to people. There is no particular way to follow up and faith journey.

□Trip to Japan: First Half - HOME□■
I was staying in Tokyo during the first half of my stay in Japan. I visited different JCFN small groups held in Tokyo and Kanagawa. There was a project that I had to do in Japan, which was to collect messages from returnees in Japan. So whenever and wherever I visited, I asked returnees to tell "welcoming messages" to the coming returnees. Those messages were to be gathered into video letters to equipper conference attendees to encourage them. As I was listening to each one telling their messages, experiences, and stories, I myself was encouraged and thankful to God. They went through their hardship right after their return to Japan, but moreover they shared how they are thankful to God who has been faithful to their process. I surely think these messages are such an encouragement for those who are next to return to Japan. The voices of returnees are so powerful.

□Japan Trip: Another Half - Trip around Japan □■
During another half of my stay in Japan, I visited all over Japan meeting returnees, follow up partners, new network. I started this trip in hot summer, but I finished it in cool autumn.

[Tokai Area]
I visited about 10 core members of returnee fellowship, INSPIREUNION in Tokai area. I shared our appreciation to them by being part of returnee ministry with tea. Most of them are returnees. The first time I was able to listen to their testimonies and stories in ministry face to face. What I learned from them was a basic thing, but it is really important; every returnee has a different journey. Since there are not so many churches in Tokai area, it is necessary for core members to follow up returnees personally so that they are able to connect to local church. Good thing is that each core member is a member of different churches in Tokai area. I was also invited to speak at joint retreat of INSPIREUNION and another returnee fellowship "Koinonia."

The only place I was able to visit in Kyushu area was Fukuoka. I could meet several returnees there. Some returnees moved to Fukuoka from Kanto due to their job or family situation. They need not only to find Christian community but also to adjust to the lifestyle in their new region. I pray that returnees in Fukuoka may encourage one another as they are going through their transitions.

[Kansai Area]
2 of my mentees went back to Kansai, and I was able to see both of them when I visited Kansai. It was my privilege to see and listen to how they are doing after they returned to Japan in person. Both of them were able to find a church to belong to, and now they need to find close friends or mentors in their regions so that they are able to challenge their faith journey. Currently we meet every 2 weeks for mentoring by Skype. However, it is necessary for them to find close friends whom they can share anything within their church and/or region. That is my prayer right now. Also, I was able to meet core members of ANRKansai group, which was born after All Nations Returnees Conference. They are planning to have a conference in Kansai area next September. Please pray for their preparation.

[Hokkaido, Tohoku Area]
The final place I visited was Hokkaido and Tohoku area. In each region, I was able to see returnees. First there was Tohoku returnees retreat, RIM (Returnees in Michinoku) held in October. I was not able to participate in this retreat, but was able to meet some core members there. They were all encouraged by this retreat and were excited by future steps. I also had chances to meet several pastors to ask for network for future returnee following up. It was encouraging to see their faces excited as I shared how returnees are being followed up by God's grace. I recognized the importance of meeting individuals to tell the ministry and the work of God. I am thankful to each encounter.

Literally, I crossed the land of Japan during this trip. I had this responsibility because the fact I acquired green card made me easier to travel between US and Japan back and forth. Meeting with returnees brought encouragement not only to them but also to me. I am looking forward to having Japan trip again in future.

While I was stayed in Japan, I enjoyed spending time with my family and home church. Thank you so much for taking your time to meet me, to those whom I was able to meet. To those I could not, I am looking forward seeing you next time. Please let me know how you are doing lately. You are in my prayers, too.

□What's Going on with Chihiro□■
After I came back to the States, everything is about ec 10. We are entering final preparation for ec 10. I am still in Long Beach commuting to the office in Irvine. Please pray for my commute driving to Irvine. At this point, there are no plans to move.
Dec. 27th - Jan. 1st: ec 10 (CA)

■Prayer for Chihiro■□
♪ Thanksgiving ♪
◆ For protection during my trip to Japan.
◆ For salvation during Europe retreat.
◆ For supporters continuously being provided.

♪ Requests ♪
◆ That I am able to obey God's voice.
◆ For my home church, Chofu Baptist Church.
◆ For equipper conference preparation.
◆ For returnees and people that I met in Japan
◆ For financial supporters to be provided consistently.


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前のアーカイブはCO: 2010年8月です。

次のアーカイブはCO: 2010年12月です。


CO: 月別アーカイブ

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