




■Urbana 09■□


実は集会中、決心をし、立ち上がる大勢の学生を横目に見ながら、「5泊6日というこの大会の中で『出て行け~!』と言われて、そんなに簡単に立ち上がれるものなのか?みんな大丈夫なのか?」と内心思っていました。そんなことを思ったことを後で振り返る中で、フルタイムで宣教師になって3年目、妙に落ち着いてしまっている自分自身に気づかされました。神様がその働き人を立ち上がらせるとき、そこには勢いがあるものです。イエス様が弟子たちに「ついてきなさい」と言った時、彼らは何も疑うことなく、持っていたものや職業を捨て、ただついていきました。Urbana 09で立ち上がった彼らの決心は一生残ります。ある人はすぐに宣教に出るかもしれないし、ある人は数年後、ある人は全く違うところに召しだされていくかもしれません。しかし、ここで、神様の前に決心をしたその勢いと心を神様は見られ、喜んでいらっしゃいます。そして、その決心は彼らの宝になるはずです。決心をした学生たちのことを祈ると共に、私自身も、いつも勢いを持って神様についていきたいと思わされています。




Urbana 09の旅の疲れが取れた頃、再び、南部ジョージア州アトランタに向かいました。セカンドレベルミニストリーという弟子訓練に焦点を当てた団体が各地から日本人を招いて、弟子訓練の大切さを学ぶカンファレンスを開催しました。2泊3日、ただひたすら、キリストの弟子として成長していくことの大切さと、周りの人にも成長の大切さを伝え関わっていくことの重要性を学ぶ集会でした。アメリカ各地域から30人ほどが集まりました。今回、メンタリングに関するワークショップを担当させていただく機会が与えられ、改めて、個人の成長に関わることが私の重荷であり、また、同じように他の人の成長に関わる人たちが育てられていくことに力を注ぐことに思いがあることに気づかされました。







この律法の書を、あなたの口から離さず、昼も夜もそれを口ずさまなければならない。そのうちにしるされているすべてのことを守り行なうためである。そうすれば、あなたのすることで繁栄し、また栄えることができるからである。                ヨシュア18





昨年末はお休みだったイクイッパーカンファレンス、今年の年末には再び行われます。日程と場所は前回と同じですが、今回は、新しい実行委員長が立てられ、準備が進められています。現段階では、ec 10実行委員のリクルートが進められています。どうか神様が今年召してくださっている人たちが加えられ、チームが構成されていくようにお祈りください。個人的には、過去2回の実行委員長として、いい形で新実行委員長さんのサポートをしていけたらと願っています。神様から知恵をいただきながら、サポート役を全うしていくことができるようにお祈りください。



お祈りいただいている永住権申請についてですが、必要書類を提出した今、移民局から事務所への訪問客をひたすら待っている状態です。引き続きお祈りください。2~4月は昨年と同様、ANRC(All Nations Returnees Conference)のために日本に向かいます。ANRCのために与えられようとしている役割を全うすることができるようにと祈っています。日本滞在期間中は御茶ノ水の日本事務所に通勤します。また滞在中、教会訪問をいくつかできればとも願っています。日本の皆さん、個人的にお交わりをもてれば感謝です。ぜひ、ご連絡ください。




 Urbana 09、アトランタ出張が守られたことの感謝。
 継続して、支援者が集められ続けていることへの感謝。

 永住権申請の過程が守られるように。
 昼に夜に御言葉を口ずさむことができるように。
 日本での働きのために。
 引き続き、継続的に経済的に支えてくださる方が与えられるように。

Newsletter, Feb, 2010 (English ver.)


Happy New Year! Thank you very much for joining me in the ministry of the Lord with your prayers. I thank you, in advance, for your involvement in prayer this upcoming year!

■Urbana 09■□

Urbana 09 Mission Convention was the climax of 2009. Sponsored by InterVarsity (Campus ministry), this conference is held every three years. This year was the 22nd convention. About 20,000 students from all over the States and Canada gather to seek God's heart for the world and respond to His calling into the mission field. At this year's conference, 2,232 decided to re-commit, or commit for the first time, to follow Jesus. Over five thousand committed to invite someone who is not a follower of Jesus to study the first four chapters of the Gospel of John, which we learned throughout the convention. Over 2,600 people committed to serve on long-term mission (two years or longer) while a nearly 5000 attendees decided to serve short-term (one week to two years) This is the largest number of commitments Urbana has seen in the past three conferences!

To be honest, when I witnessed the students standing up for their pledge during the conference, I thought to myself, "How can they make this kind of big decision in just six days? Are you sure?" As I reflected back on what I felt, I realized that I had gotten too comfortable as a third year full-time missionary. When God calls people into His ministry, enthusiasm moves them. When Jesus called together His disciples, they dropped whatever they had and simply followed Him without hesitation. I witnessed the same enthusiasm in these students. Those decisions are to be treasured for a lifetime. Some may go into the mission field immediately after the convention, while it may take several years for others. And even more, the mission field may be entirely different than what they expected. Whatever the situation may turn out to be, I am certain that God was pleased with their obedience and commitment. As I intercede for those students, I pray that I, too, will follow the Lord with enthusiasm.

JCFN had an opportunity to take care of those who came from Japan on the "Urbana Tour." We, as JCFN, organized Japanese meetings every night after the main session. We got together to praise God in Japanese and introduce different Japanese ministries so that the attendees will have an opportunity to network. It turned out to be a great time to meet new faces, including returnees. If you would like to know more about Urbana 09, you can check out the videos at Urbana website.


□Importance of Discipleship - Second Level□■

Several days after coming back from Urbana 09, I flew back to Atlanta, GA to attend a three-day conference organized by Second Level Ministry. The strictly focus on discipleship. There, we learned the importance of our growth as Jesus' disciples and of our involvement in discipling others around. There were about 30 conferees from all over the States. I also had an opportunity to teach one workshop on mentoring. Through this experience, I was reminded of how much of a passion I have in being involved with the growth of others, as well as mentoring those who want to commit themselves to discipling others.

The purpose of the conference was very simple. According to John 15:8, "This is to my Father's glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples." We are called to abide in Christ, which is to abide in the word of God. As a result, we bear fruit of the Spirit, which glorifies God. This idea is sometimes forgotten in our lives or we add a few extra things. We relearned this concept so that we may become thirsty for the truth and experience it our daily life. This is so that we can eventually help others experience this as well.

Personally, I really enjoyed being in small group. I rarely get this kind of opportunity at conference settings. I was encouraged by meeting those who are nourished and equipped by the word of God from different regions. Also, during my personal time, I was reminded of those that I regularly meet for discipleship. I got to reflect on how I can apply what I learned in my relationship with them. Also, I was thinking about the returnees and hoped that they would engrain into their hearts the essence of God's word - becoming Jesus' disciples through the word - before their returning to Japan. For this, I would like to serve the Lord.


□My New Year Resolution and Expectation□■

Actually, I had another expectation for God as I attended the Second Level Conference. It was that I may have a new year's resolution for 2010. As I mentioned, I leaned the essence of God's word and to live as a Christ's disciple during the conference. I realized that what I had learned actually turned out to be my new year's resolution. I was reminded of one Bible verse as I was sharing what I was learning in the small group.

"Do not let this Book of the Law depart from your mouth; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful." Joshua 1:8


To meditate on God's word means "to obey the word of God." God's glory is revealed here, which translates into being "prosperous and successful." This was what I learned from this verse. Simply, I felt that I want to be where God is glorified. So, I chose this verse as my theme verse of this year. For the past three months, I have been invited to preach at a local Japanese church once a month. When I preach the word, I experience the word being delivered to the congregation. That also became the reminder of how important it is to meditate on the word of God. My prayer is that when I am alone, when I am talking to someone, or when I am sharing with the audience, that the my words will be an overflow from the word that I meditate on and that my attitude will be according to the word I meditated on. Please pray for me that I can meditate on the word of God day and night.

In 2010, JCFN headquarters will be heading into a time of big transition. Since 2004, JCFN has been located at its office in Long Beach, CA. However, JCFN decided by faith to move out, and is actively waiting for the next door to be opened. It will be a move within Southern CA, but we are sensing that God is taking JCFN to the next level in His ministry. Please pray that JCFN may be able to listen to His calling and any necessity may be provided.

After a one-year break, equipper conference is coming up at the end of this year. The location and timing is the same as last time, but a brand new director is assigned, and the planning has started. At this point, ec is in the process of recruiting ec 10 planning committee members. Please pray for this process so that those whom God is calling will be gathered for the ec 10 planning team. As the former director, I am hoping to be a good supporter for the new director. Please pray for wisdom to provide the support that he needs.


□What's Going on with Chihiro□■

Thank you very much for your prayer for the green card application process. I am currently at the point where I am waiting for the immigration staff to visit the JCFN office. Please continue praying for this. From February to April, I will be in Japan for ANRC (All Nations Returnees Conference) like last year. I am praying that I would be able to accomplish what I need to do in Japan. I will be commuting to the Japan office in Ochanomizu during my stay in Japan. I am looking forward to visiting with those who are in Japan. Please contact me!

Feb. 11th - Apr. 6th: Japan
Feb. 21st: Mejirogaoka Church (Tokyo)
Feb. 17th - 28th: Osaka (Urbana 09 reunion, church visit)
Mar. 19th - 22nd: ANRC10


■Prayer for Chihiro■□

♪ Thanksgiving ♪
 For the protection of my trip to Urbana 09 and Atlanta.
 For supporters continuously being provided.

♪ Requests ♪
 For the green card application process.
 That I am able to meditate on God's word day and night.
 For my stay in Japan.
 For financial supporters to be provided consistently.
















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