




3月の連休中、前回、予告しましたAll Nations Returnees Conference(ANRC)が埼玉県にて祝福の内に開催されました。予想をはるかに超える600人以上の方々が参加されていたと聞いています。全世界からの帰国者たちのために、また帰国者たちを日本国外から送り出す方々や日本で受け入れる方々のネットワークのために、プログラムが準備されました。個人的には、ec 08の事後処理の最中だったこともあり、深く準備に関わり始めたのは、2月半ばに日本に行ってからで、そこからやっと何が行われるのかを知っていったという感じだったので、修養会当日に神様がなさった御業を見、ただただ神様を賛美するのみでした。今思えば、ec 08の時に、「○○ように準備したら、神様は△△のように応えてくれるのでは・・・」と、自分の感覚で神様の働きを想像し、ある意味、制限させていたことを悔い改めたという経験とは、全く正反対のことを神様が見せてくださったのかもしれません。

「目が見たことのないもの、耳が聞いたことのないもの、そして、人の心に思い浮んだことのないもの。神を愛する者のために、神の備えてくださったものは、みなそうである。」 1コリント2:9





□休暇 in タイ□■













 日本、タイへの旅が守られたことへの感謝。
 継続して、支援者が集められ続けていることへの感謝。

 初めてのec実行委員長でない1年間になります。日々の働きを忠実に、従順に行っていけるように。
 目標額が上がったので、更に経済的に支えてくださる方が与えられるように。

Newsletter, May (English ver.)

I arrived back to America after a two-and-a-half-month trip to Japan, including some personal vacation time. Now that I'm back, two-and-a-half months feels like it was a long time. I had to readjust to America! I'm now going to reflect on the past several months!


 ■in Japan ~ ANRC■□

We held the All Nations Returnees conference (ANRC) in Saitama prefecture during a three-day weekend in March. Over 600 attendees came--a number well beyond our expectation. Programs for returnees from all of the world were prepared. These included programs both for those who are sending-out the returnees and programs for individuals who are receiving returnees into Japan.

Personally, I did not begin preparing for ANRC until mid-February when I arrived in Japan. I had still been amidst completing ec08 duties up till then. It was only since then that I began to learn about what God was going to reveal. On the actual day of the conference, I was in awe of God's works and simply worshiped Him for who He is and what He was doing there. With ec 08, I confessed to you that I had limited God by thinking, "If I prepare things this way, God will answer me like this." At ANRC, it felt as though God allowed me to see the exact opposite by learning to simply enjoy His works.

What God showed me through ANRC was far beyond my imagination. Maybe this was become I was ill-prepared, but I felt that God wanted to begin a new Work and wanted to encourage the attendees to do so. The program consisted of: General Session, Seminars, World Celebration, International Regional Meeting (Reunion), and Japan Regional Meeting. It was apparent, especially during small group time, that International Returnees were the main attendees of the conference; despite the fact that the members of the small groups were merely made up of those that were sitting close by, they immediately got into deep conversations. It was obvious that these individuals had previously been in small groups and understood the necessity of sharing their thoughts with one another. Because of this, networking with other Returnees that currently live nearby had a very great impact. After ANRC, ANRC reunions and small groups developed. The harvest was reaped. Because of the harvest, it was decided that ANRC will be held again around the same time next year. We are praying that it not be just an event, but that it become something that connect various regions and leads into follow-up of the returnees.


□Vacation in Thailand□■

After ANRC, I visited a church in Osaka for Mission Report, visited with returnees in Nagoya, and went on a small trip. After that awaited my ten-day trip to Thailand!! This was my first extended vacation. My friends from seminary live in Chiang Mai and Ubon Ratchathani as missionaries so I visited them.

Mid-April is Lunar New Year in Thailand and the Water Festival takes place. Chiang Mai, the first place that I visited, is renown for its over-the-top celebration of the Water Festival. As you can probably guess from the name, the custom is to wet each other with water. Pickup trucks carrying barrels of water drive by as they drench pedestrians and vice versa. That day, everyone in the city was soaked from the top of their heads to their feet. This was the kick-off to my fun stay in Thailand.

One of the reasons I visited Thailand was for leisure. But the other reason I visited was to see other mission works. I wanted to see the same God working in a different place and observe His works. I wanted to be encouraged by that and praise the Lord even in a different country.

At Chiang Mai, I spent time with a Japanese family that has a heart to minister to the Karen Tribe. My friend teaches at a Bible school so that the individuals from the tribe can be prepared when they return to their own villages to share the gospel with their own words. My friend shared that although it's possible for the missionaries to go into the villages, it is much more strategic to prepare the natives to share with their own people in their own tongue. It is similar to the Japanese hearing the gospel overseas, accepting the message, learning to share the gospel in Japanese and being prepared for their return. Though the culture and the language is not the same, the fundamental concept is the same.

Much development has taken place since my friends first started ministering there. Currently the Karen tribe have electricity and roads have been paved. However, in order to get to some of the villages, one must take unpaved roads and once the rainy season starts, cars cannot be driven to the villages. The gospel is being spread is through the student dormitories. The children first believe and as the rest of the family see the changes taking place in their child, their families then become believers. Apparently, the whole village is then changed!

There are many villages and villages that the gospel has not yet been delivered to. However, some believers have been led to share the gospel to their neighboring villages and deliver it by foot. When I asked if they receive training to do this, I was informed that those who have been led to share with their neighbors go out on their own will because, "I want to share the gospel with my neighbors!" "A passion that moves" is what expands God's work. I want to always return to that starting point. However, workers are few. I want to return to the village with a team some day.

After a one-week stay in Chiang Mai, I visited my American friend in a town called Ubon Ratchathani, located in the North Eastern part of Thailand, close to the Laotian border. Though the stay was only three days long, I had a chance to visit the group of people that my friend is ministering to, sightsee, and enjoy spending time with Thai teachers. It was a time of good fellowship. Unlike the Karen tribal villages, this town was closer to a city, and it felt as though it was more accessible to both supplies and data. In comparison to the Karen tribe where entire villages are changed, this ministry is based more on a personal relationship, introducing Christ as the friendship develops. My friend shared that growing as Christ's disciples is a vital part of this ministry. Recently, one of the villagers was saved. My friend is attempting to develop a relationship to assist the individual become a leader that creates disciples. I was then introduced to a villager that has leadership potential but was not confident in her abilities. I shared with her my calling and the Words I received at that particular time in my life. Seeing that she was encouraged by this, it allowed me to remember the time that I first received this calling and I then had an opportunity to reconfirm that God continues to strengthen me. I am so grateful that God works through us no matter where we are at in the world.


□What's Going on with Chihiro□■

I am now in my second term (first term: two years; second term: four years) as JCFN staff. It has been two year since I received my R-1 (Religious worker) visa. In order to remain in North America, I have decided to apply for a green card (my R-1 visa expires in March 2010). I am in the process of gather the necessary documents in order to submit my application in mid-May.

May. 23rd - 27th: Central Conference 2009 (IL)
May. 29th - 31th: ACMI Conference 2009 (CA)
Jul. 16th - 18th: WIT09 Leadership Camp (CA)
Dec. 27th - Jan. 1st: Urbana09 (MO)


□Prayer for Chihiro□■

♪ Thanksgiving ♪
 My trip to Japan and Thailand were blessed
 For supporters continuously being provided.

♪ Requests ♪
 It is the first year that I am not the director of ec. May I be diligent in my daily work.
 Monthly needs have increased. May financial supporters be provided consistently.









Yukiko Tanaka Piano Solo Recital JCFNファンドレイズ・リサイタル

日時:2009.5.9.(sat) 13:00
東京都目黒区上目黒1-12-7 (http://www.igmtokyo.com/)
電話:03-5217-2505 E-mail:nihon(a)jcfn.org["(a)"を"@"に

田中友樹子 プロフィール

東京の出身で、ソロだけでなく、室内楽奏者としてもアメリカ、カナダ、スペイン、そして日本で活動中。伴奏法を江口玲氏に師事、川崎正雄氏(バイオリン)、ポール・スペリー氏(声楽)、ジェームス・ゴルウェイ氏(フルート)、アナ・マリア・サンチェス女史(声楽)等のマスター・クラスやレッスンで伴奏を務める。2002年から2004年まで、ミシガン州のインターロッキン・アーツキャンプでもスタッフ・ピアニスト歴任。伴奏の経験は広く、あらゆる楽器や歌手からダンス、ミュージカルまでに及び、クラシックのみならず、ブロードウェイ音楽、ロックバンドのピアノも手がけています。2007年夏からは、スペインのグラナダで行われるスペイン音楽祭に伴奏者兼奨学生として毎年招かれている。 http://www.snowinthefield.com/

ポスターのリンク: http://jcfn.org/extra/recital_poster.PDF






月別 アーカイブ


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